Upgrading from an earlier version? See the Upgrade Notice
The frameworks included allow the native tagging of a mobile application once and then configuration of third-party analytic services remotely through Tealium IQ; all without needing to recode and redeploy an app for every update to these services.
First time implementations should read the How Tealium Works wiki page for a brief overview of how Tealium's SDK differs from conventional analytic SDKs. For any additional information, consult the wiki home page.
The remainder of this document provides quick install instructions.
###Table of Contents###
- Android ADT Bundle with Eclipse
- NOTE: Written from the Eclipse perspective but compatible with any Android development environment.
- Minimum target Android Version: 9 / GINGERBREAD
This guide presumes you have already created an Android app using Eclipse. Follow the below steps to add Tealium's Compact library (4c) to it. Discussion on which version is ultimately best for you can be found in the What Next section.
####1. Clone/Copy Library#### onto your dev machine by clicking on the Clone to Desktop or Download ZIP buttons on the main repo page.
####2. Add To Project
2a. Create a "libs" directory in your project root, if not already present.
2b. From the android-library/TealiumCompact folder, drag & drop the tealium.4c.jar file into your Eclipse project's Package Explorer window.
2c. Click "Ok" in the resulting File Operation dialog box.
2d. Add the following Permissions to your project:
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
Your project's AndroidManifest.xml's Permission's tab should now look similar to:
2e. Import the library into your project's primary application class:
package com.example.myapp;
import android.app.Application;
import com.tealium.library.Tealium;
import com.tealium.library.Tealium.Config;
import com.tealium.library.Tealium.LogLevel;
2f. Init the library in the same application class:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Must initialize after the super.onCreate() call.
Tealium.initialize(Config.create(this, "tealiummobile", "demo", "dev")
// (!) Don't forget to replace "tealiummobile", "demo" and "dev" with your own account-profile-target settings before creating your production build.
Example of the required import and init statements:
package com.example.myapp;
import android.app.Application;
import com.tealium.library.Tealium;
// Subclass android.app.Application so that way Tealium
// will already be initialized for any Activity.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// It is necessary to initialize after the super.onCreate() call.
Tealium.initialize(Tealium.Config.create(this, "tealiummobile", "demo", "dev")
// (!) Don't forget to replace "tealiummobile", "demo" and "dev" with your own account-profile-target settings before creating your production build.
2g. Ensure the AndroidManifest.xml has been updated to use this Application subclass:
<!-- <manifest ... -->
If "android:name" is not defined, Android will use the base
Application, and Tealium.initialize(...) will not be called.
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... </manifest> -->
2h. Tealium.onResume(Activity) and Tealium.onPause(Activity) methods will need to be added to each of your activity classes if you minimum SDK < 14 (ICE CREAM SANDWICH).
package com.example.myapp;
import com.tealium.library.Tealium;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.app.Activity;
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onResume() {
Tealium.track(this, null, null);
// The full library will pick up this view event automatically.
protected void onPause() {
####3. Run Your app is now ready to compile and run. In the console output you should see a variation of:
Congratulations! You have successfully implemented the Tealium Compact library into your project.
This output:
04-17 11:51:20.525: D/Tealium(2599): view : {
04-17 11:51:20.525: D/Tealium(2599): "object_class": "MainActivity"
04-17 11:51:20.525: D/Tealium(2599): "screen_title": "Tealium Example"
04-17 11:51:20.525: D/Tealium(2599): "tealium_id": "SEYco"
04-17 11:51:20.525: D/Tealium(2599): }
shows an abbreviation of all of the data gathered, use Tealium.Config.setLibraryLogLevel(LogLevel.VERBOSE)
to see all datasources available for mapping in Tealium's IQ Dashboard. The Library only actually sends those data sources and values that are mapped.
####4. Use Proxy to verify (optional)
Full Library can be tested using AudienceStream Trace, if it's available for your account. Contact your account manager for more information.
You can use an HTTP proxy to confirm successful retrieval of configuration data from our multi-CDN and to confirm successful delivery of a tracking call. Several popular third-party options are:
Tealium's multi-CDN configuration address is http://tags.tiqcdn.com. You may have to use the Tealium.Config.setHTTPSEnabled(boolean) method and set to false when you initialize the library to permit proxying.
If you have access to the Tealium Community site, detailed instructions on how to setup Charles Proxy on an iDevice can be found at: https://community.tealiumiq.com/posts/624994
Alternatively, you can use an analytic service with real-time reporting to confirm delivery of dispatches. This verification method requires both an active analytics account (i.e. Google Analytics) and an active Tealium IQ account to enable mapping. If you have both of these, consult the Tealium community post at: https://community.tealiumiq.com/posts/568700
###Switching Between Full and Compact
Swapping the tealium.4.jar with tealium.4c.jar (or vice versa) is simple; just replace the undesired library in the libs/ directory with the desired library. Since the Full and Compact libraries have identical APIs; the swap will produce no errors.
Now that you've successfully integrated the library, you should now determine if the Compact or Full Library versions best fit your needs. Below are the key differences:
Compact | Full | |
jar size | 94 KB | 169 KB |
Initialization time | ~ 0.01 sec | ~ 0.01 sec |
Memory Usage | ~ 604 KB | ~ 741 KB |
Non-UI AutoTracking | Yes | Yes |
UI Autotracking | No | Yes |
Mobile Companion | No | Yes |
Mobile AudienceStream Trace | No | Yes |
Continue with the Compact version, add any needed additional tracking calls for events or view appearances.
Still can't decide? Browse through our wiki pages for more info, or check out our TealiumIQ Community
If you choose to ProGuard an app bundled with the Tealium Library; please be sure to start with the default configuration located at ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
. The following rules will also need to be added to the default:
-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
public *;
-keep class com.tealium.library.* {
public <init>(...);
Questions or comments?
- Post code questions in the issues page.
- Email us at mobile_support@tealium.com
- Contact your Tealium account manager
- Version 4.0
- Added Support for Mobile Publish Settings
- Removed Methods/Fields deprecated in Version 3.
- Version 3.1:
- Added UI-Autoracking Activity exlusion API
- Version 3.0:
If upgrading from a Library version earlier than 3.0 note that:
- void trackCustomEvent(String eventName, Map<String, String> variables)
- void trackItemClicked(String itemName)
- void trackItemClicked(String itemName, Map<String, String> variables)
- void trackScreenViewed(String viewName)
- void trackScreenViewed(String viewName, Map<String, String> variables)
are no longer available. Please also note that
boolean onResume(Activity)
is now
void onResume(Activity)
boolean onPause()
is now
void onPause(Activity)