* The head of the SME division is considering a 20% discount that is considered large enough to dissuade almost anyone from churning (especially those for whom price is the primary concern).
* After the AD send the data, i Perform some exploratory data analysis. Look into the data types, data statistics, specific parameters, and variable distributions.
* Try to prepare a half-page summary or slide of key findings and add some suggestions for data augmentation
* After preparing data, i do some feature engineering, then i Start with a Dummy Model (np.rand) - Baseline Model with accuarcy 0.51 and F1_score 0.18
* Also i try a Simple Model with Balanced Dataset ( Upsampling[f1-score 0.21], Downsampling[f1-score 0.22] ).
Presenting the results and giving recommended actions to the client to AD in draft an abstract (executive summary) of findings.