Instagram clean architecture using Flutter and Firebase ( frontend & backend ) with almost all functionalities
- I didn't publish the keys such as messaging, agora, firebase web, or even google-services.json. So follow the steps (3. Setup the app) to add them.
- Right now, I am working on cleaning up the code and web version
- Arabic & English language
- Dark & Light theme
Custom gallery & camera & video display like Instagram "my package" image picker plus
Post features
- Support images & videos
- Support multi images in one post or mixin with them
- Like on a post and view all like with their profiles
- Comment on a post and replay on a (comment & replay)
- Like on a comment & replay and view all like with their profiles
- Edit post
- Delete post
- Unfollow the user of the post
My Timelines Screen
- Custom posts & stories feed based on followers & followings
- Refresh the posts info
- Loading more posts (it displays five-by-five posts)
All Timelines Screen
- View all user's posts (images & videos)
- Change the screen from a grid layout to a timeline layout
Search for a user based on username
Video Screen
- It displays all user's videos with almost post features
- Control of sound & play
Profile Screen
- Follow / Unfollow Users
- Display images & videos in a separate view
- Change the screen from a grid layout to a timeline layout
- Edit profile info
Chat Screen
- Chat with any user
- Group chat
- Support
- Text
- Image (gallery & camera)
- Voice
- One-to-one video call
- Group video call
Push Notifications
Send posts to chats
You can see the screen record from here google drive
$ git clone
$ cd flutter-clean-architecture-instagram/
Click to expand
- Run this line in your PowerShell as administrator:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Then, press
to comfirm
- We need to log in with Firebase. Run this line:
firebase login
- Then, press
to comfirm - Then, choose the account that you want to create Firebase services with it.
- Then, press Allow
- In PowerShell, write the disk that the project is exciting. For example, I have InstaAwesome in D. So, I will write it Like this:
- Add the following line, replacing
with the path to the project root:
cd <path-to-project-root>
- Then, run this line:
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
- Then, run this line:
flutterfire configure
Enable those services: Authentication
, Firestor Database
, Storage
, and Messaging
. And take the ‘Cloud Messaging server key’ copy from ‘Cloud Messaging’ in ‘Project settings’.
Then, past the key in the project
like this:
Agora is a real-time communication platform that provides a set of APIs and SDKs for adding voice↳
Before we can connect our Flutter app with Agora, we need to create an Agora account and get a test key. Here are the steps to get an Agora test key:
Go to the Agora website and sign up for an account.
After you have signed up, log in to the Agora Project Management with your account credentials.
Enter a name for your project and select any Use Case.
Testing mode: APP ID
- Notifications for likes, comments, follows, etc
- Caching of Profiles, Images, Etc.
- Calling video and voice in chat
- Create a group chat
- Calling video and voice in group chat
- Send posts to chats
- control in the dimension of selected images & video from the gallery
- Custom gallery display
- Improve display loading of posts when opening the app
- share post
- Make like, comment, and share of animation container post touchy when long pressed on post
- Make it stable for the web
- Clean up more code
- Fork the project
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Make required changes and commit (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request