This is all my notes gathered in PDF format. This is a work in progress and hopefully will grow more to an awsome repository. Alot of notes here are a result of self study so execuse me for any wrong info just let me know so I can change it. Also I am open to any tips or additions that anybody want to offer.
- I would say the mobile is the most solid followed by Web , Machines.
- For every folder I will gather all in one pdf to be a full cheatsheet.
- Add Hyper Links in this readme to be easier to access all from here directly. (Special Thanks to Kawkab <3 for these two Suggestion)
- Networks Notes.
- Methodology.
- Bughunting (Tips , Methodolgy , maybe some writeups).
- More web.
- Change files from PDF to Md format. (tedious so when I have time or if anyone knows a quick way).
- Solve Challenges on other platform other than root-me.
- Make a good push on hackthebox.
- Tryhackme writeups.
- Wifi notes.
- IOS Notes.
- Buffer overflow notes.
- Active Directory and windows (better) notes.
- OWASP testing guide , mobile testing guide, mobile top 10 , code review.
If there is any recommendation, wrong information please contact me at any time.