a python app that allows you to generate the encryption and decryption key and use them
Before you start to decrypte and encrypte text you'll need to create two key
- Public key (The encryption key)
- Private key (The decryption key)
python KeysGenerator.py [prime number 1] [prime number 2]
python KeysGenerator.py 11 7
All avalible Locks:
1. 13
2. 17
3. 19
4. 23
5. 29
6. 31
7. 37
8. 41
9. 43
10. 47
11. 53
12. 59
The encryption key (the lock) is: (43, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (7, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (67, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (127, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (187, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (247, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (307, 77)
The decryption key (the key) is: (367, 77)
python Encrypter.py
Welcome to the Encrypter
Please enter the text you want to encrypt: [text here]
Your Encrypted text is
{cryptic text here}
python Decrypter.py
Welcome to the Decrypter
Please enter the text you want to decrypt: [Encrypted text here]
Your Decrypted text is
{decrypted text here}
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details