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Repository files navigation

Scandiweb Junior Trainee React Developer

By: Ahmed Zakaria


  • React JS : Route
  • GraphQl
  • Apollo Client
  • Scss : mixins, parial files, color vars
  • TypeScript
  • Github


  • GraphQl integrated with react app in folders ( main.js, schema.js, schemaData.js )
    • main.js : to handel graphQl api port
    • schema.js : to create queries and mutations to manage data
    • schemaDatajs : to convert typescript cloned data to json data
  • App fully routed
  • Navbar has two filters ( gender , categoures )
  • Navbar home icon to back to home page from any page
  • App main page : http://localhost:3000/
  • GraphQl API page : http://localhost:4000/graphql

Run App

  • Type in terminal : npm run dev
  • Note : I can't import data from typescript file, so created JSON file with the same data and more properties to execute updates and delete