TO-DO Manager is a simple note management app.
Unlike other apps, TO-DO Manager is free and open source.
You can access your nots from any device.
TO-DO Manager for Android.
You need a intetner connection and Google account, which you are going to use in this app.
TO-DO Manager has been made for you to comfortably manage your notes.
You can't download TO-DO Manager from Play Store Until be publised, But in the near future the app will be published.
This android application allows you to put a link in your Read, Delete, Add and Update Notes.
This application was originally created by Ahmed badr.
The app lets you:
- Login with Google account
- Add Notes.
- Delete Notes.
- Edit Notes.
- Access notes from any device using google account.
- Completely free.
- Dark and Ligth mode.
The app build using:
- Firebase Authentication.
- Firebase Firestore Database.
- Coroutines.
- Navigation Component.
- Clean architecture.