EditText xml must contains an hint
textPassword is not well supported, use text
You must install the android SDK into your computer. The latest version is provided by google.
Now setup your $ANDROID_HOME and export it into the PATH variable
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Documents/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/plateform-tools:$PATH
To run all applications, your virtual machine needs
- google services
- google applications
- google +
- google account
Download the latest version of google services from apkmirror.
In the versions list, search the last version which match Google Play services X.X.X (XXXXXXX-070)
, for example Google Play services 7.3.29 (1866531-070)
070 means this is an x86
Download the latest version of google+ from apkmirror
Download the needed version of Gapps from cyanogenmod
Extract it. It must contains a system
Reset the adb connection and connect to the vm
adb kill-server
adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Install the google play services
adb install com.google.android.gms-<version>.apk
Install shared library. Move to gapps directory and run
adb remount
adb push system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar /system/framework
adb push system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.maps.xml /system/etc/permissions
Restart your VM
Install google+
adb kill-server
adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
adb install com.google.android.apps.plus-<version>.apk
Install gapps. Move to gapps directory add run
adb remount
adb push system/ /system
Restart your VM
Now you can login to a google account, so you will have access to :
- google store
- updates
- applications and services
- ...
- Level
- Health
- Power source
- Status
- Technology
- Temperature
- Voltage
- X value
- Y value
- Z value
- Name
- Vendor
- Power
- Range
- Resolution
- History
protoc -I=./sdl/proto/. --java_out="/tmp/." sdl/proto/sensors_packet.proto
To include AiC Test Framework into existing application, you just have to put in it the aiccore
package. Just take a look to add androidTestCompile project(path: ':aiccore')
into build.gradle