Merges two ban list together.
Primarily used to ensure that our server bans are appended to the every time we update.
However this could be used to merge any two ban lists together.
NodeJS is required to run the scripts Git is required to get the latest version of the community files
Clone the repository
git clone
Install the required modules
npm install
node ./app.js -r <root> -l <local> -c <community> [-d] [-m <output>] [-u] [-U]
node ./app.js -r ./files/ -l server_bans.txt -c dayz-community-banlist/bans/bans.txt -u -d
node ./app.js -r ./files/ -l server_bans.txt -c dayz-community-banlist/bans/bans.txt -m /merged/bans.txt -u
-r, --rootdir Root directory for files [required]
-l, --local Local or server ban list path [required]
-c, --community Community ban list path [required]
-m, --merge Perform a merge and write to <output>
-d, --detect Output detected duplicate GUIDS
-u, --update Updates the community ban file from the internet
-U, --update-all Updates filters as well as ban file from the internet