I am a 2019 CS graduate working on making it easier and faster for developers to build softwares. I have worked on special projects like BuilderX, apibeats and NativeBase, along with some great OSS like React-pluggable and Formst. I am currently working as a Senior Software Developer in GeekyAnts.
I am a full-stack developer who has worked on following technologies:
- JS libraries like React and Angular
- Serverside rendering libraries like NextJS
- React Native for mobile development (and web too, lately. Checkout NativeBase v3)
- Node, Express and Feathers for JS backend library/framework
- Laravel as non-JS backend framework
Besides these, I have some hands-on on devOps with DigitalOcean, AWS, Docker, etc.
- You can drop a mail anytime at adityasharanjamuar@gmail.com
- I am fairly active on Twitter
- I am active on LinkedIn as well.