Basically this Project is to know that how networking protocols are worked.Even you can send any custom packets to the networking traffic and also can monitor the traffic of network. If you find any networking services like ssh, ftp, telnet, etc to any networking devices then it will give you better result. It will ask you some questions and you have to give the answers of it because you don't have to write any commands for that like nmap,or any other networking tools does.
It will run only on Linux Machine.
Make sure you have:
* Gnome Terminal
* Firefox
* Wireshark
* Proxychains
* TCPdump
* Tshark
If you are in Debian based linux.
- Then download debian file from:
sudo dpkg -i project-monalisa.deb
If you are in Arch based linux.
yay -S project-monalisa
- Or you can directly check it out from AUR(Arch User Repository):
- Clone the repo
git clone
- After that go to the directory then run install file.
- Then run this command.
sudo mona
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This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- I Hope You will like it...😉
- So, break the security buddy...😎
- But don't break the heart...🫀