- Markers
- Get User Location (using: https://geolocation-db.com/json/)
- Street View
- Polylines
- Polygons
- Layers (Traffic, Transit, Bicycle)
- Reverse Geocode
- Heat Map
- Custom Tile
- Add Marker OnClick
- Custom OnClick Function
- Custom Center Change Function
import GoogleMap from 'googlemaps-vue3'
.use(GoogleMap, { apiKey: 'YOUR API KEY' })
const initializeGoogleMap = {
streetViewControl: true,
scaleControl: true,
center: { lat: 34.04924594193164, lng: 34.04924594193164 },
zoom: 2,
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" />
Custom Icon You can set custom icon or use default icon Note: Default Icon From TurkHub
- When you add new marker map will be re-render
const markers = reactive([
lat: 48.8566,
lng: 2.3522,
content: { content: `Paris Capital of <b>France</b>` },
lat: 51.5074,
lng: 0.1278,
content: { content: `London Capital of <b>England</b>` },
lat: 41.9028,
lng: 12.4964,
content: { content: `Roma Capital of <b>Italy</b>` },
lat: 41.9028,
lng: 12.4964,
content: { content: `Roma Capital of <b>Italy</b>` },
lat: 40.4168,
lng: 3.7038,
content: { content: `Madrid Capital of <b>Spain</b>` },
lat: 39.9334,
lng: 32.8597,
content: { content: `Ankara Capital of <b>Turkey</b>` },
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :markers="markers" />
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :addMarkerOnClick="true" :markers="markers" />
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :markers="markers" @clicked="customCoordinates = $event" />
Custom OnClick Event
- If you need custom event use this prop
function customClick(){
console.log('custom click')
:customClickFunction="() => customClick()"
@clicked="customCoordinates = $event" />
Note: User Position Icon From Alfredo Hernandez
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :markers="markers" :getUserLocation="true" />
const polyineData = {
path: [
{ lat: 37.772, lng: -122.214 },
{ lat: 21.291, lng: -157.821 },
{ lat: -18.142, lng: 178.431 },
{ lat: -27.467, lng: 153.027 },
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2,
`<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :polylines="polyineData" />`
const polygonData = {
paths: [
{ lat: 25.774, lng: -80.19 },
{ lat: 18.466, lng: -66.118 },
{ lat: 32.321, lng: -64.757 },
{ lat: 25.774, lng: -80.19 },
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#FF0000",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
`<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :polygon="polygonData" />`
- Layers = [trafficLayer, bicycleLayer, transitLayer]
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :markers="markers" :layers="['trafficLayer', 'bicycleLayer']" />
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :tile="'http://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x=1325&y=3143&z=13'" />
const heatMapDatas = reactive([
lat: 37.782551,
lng: -122.445368,
lat: 37.782745,
lng: -122.444586,
lat: 37.782842,
lng: 122.443688,
lat: 37.782919,
lng: -122.442815,
lat: 37.7831,
lng: 122.441461,
lat: 37.783206,
lng: -122.440829,
lat: 37.783273,
lng: -122.440324,
lat: 37.783316,
lng: -122.440023,
lat: 37.783357,
lng: -122.439794,
lat: 37.783371,
lng: -122.439687,
lat: 37.783368,
lng: -122.439666,
<GoogleMap :init="initializeGoogleMap" :heatMap="heatMapDatas"
@geocoding="geo = \$event"