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Repository files navigation

Osama Al Banna Resume

Note: Some of next projects base ideas inspired by popular success busniss projects or online training course/s

Public Commercial Projects

Installments Manager (مدير الأقساط)

This application is another story in Desktop Application Industry It used new exclusive private technologies, to make everything reactive and reusable

This app orinted around DDD

Update, Released: Link

I will publish a snaps from the code and github issue trackers, once the application finished






I still have some issues to solve, and some features to implement, before publish the first final release 2021-02-04_153113

Click the image to zoom


Project Diagram


This project like some others, based on well organized exlusive personal nuget packages

the packages this project uses


  • The Most Advanced Network Throttling And Monitoring Application
  • This Application Is Unique
  • Written in
    • C/C++: for low level network controlling, and driver programming based on npf
    • C# .net for managed code
    • WPF for layout
    • NoSql Embeded Db LiteDB
    • low level code connected to .net via low level interpolotion and un managed .net code & un safe
  • The Most Advanced Network Throttling And Monitoring And Controlling Application
  • This App Can Control Everything in your network, even how much data user can consume per minute/day/....
  • This Application Is Unique, and it is the enterprise version of NetConto
  • Written in
    • The same as NetConto
    • Build Completly in Reactive Programming including UI

Open Source Projects

  • Contains an implementations for most of design patterns in C# language
  • PHP MVC Framework That Porting Some Of [C# Core] Features, philosophies To PHP
  • Wpf Friend Organizing Application Build With Advanced Enterprise Technologies
  • Can used as a core of any dynamic high performance desktop application with .net
  • Embedded terminal project based on Pyqt
  • Graphic Engine With OpenGL/C++
  • Numerical System Converter with any base & support Command Line Interface
  • DefinitelyTyped files to support autocomplete and embedded docs for NwJs Projects
  • Calculate Center Of Gravity And Area Of 3D Shapes With Drwaing it in 2d/3d with Orthographic/Perspective
  • Built with pyqt/opengl/glfw3
  • Calculate Area With (x,y) points by divide it as triangles
  • Demonstrate Advanced Scenarios In Functional Programming , with javascript

Private Projects

  • Some projects can not published as a public repository to github now so i will provide a preview for those projects
  • Every project link leads to preview video on mega cloud provider

Projects Previews

ActiveBookPreview mp4_20210629_182508 301

Social Network App For Activities
built as demonstration of hyper clean arch
Notice, in preview we used 500ms delays for every http request to simulate response delays.
Backend Technologies

  • Core

  • Architecture

    • Clean Arch

      • With Hyper Separation Of Infrastructure Layers
      • Communication With CQRS
        • Implemented With MediatR Pattern as Package
    • Both Client Side And Server Side Respect All Solid Principles

      • except store part of client side since using DI(IoC) with react/mobx is just an overhead so we use self-referencing God Object anti pattern
        • this pattern anti can be used safely with some restrictions in dynamic typing languages
        • since this may leads to issues with some of testing methodologies (FDD/BDD)@ subcutaneous test, UI test if developers does not know how to controlling its side effects
    • To Respect SCP we delegated validation out of entity framework core to Command or Query in CQRS MediatR

      • we use FluentValidation.AspNetCore package to support popular validation, also created some custom validations
    • All Loading of nested entities done with LazyLoadingProxies middleware to prevent loading non necessary data

      • For that we use AutoMapper without needing to configure it with ef core, since all loading be lazy
    • All Mapping With AutoMapper Package Dependency.Injection.CORE version

    • Notes

      • We Delegate any logic out of Domain Layer, so domain only have models
        • and as known in testing , Domain models are not application entities so Model is a pure POCO object
  • Database

    • Developing sqLite
    • Production
      • SqlServer for Azure
      • MySql/MariaDB for Linux Server
  • VCS

    • GitHub
  • Cloud Providers

    • Cloudinary For Image storage and images manipulation eg,Focus cropping to face
  • RealTime & MultiCasting Communications

    • SignalR

Frontend Technologies

Project Structure

  • Domain

    • Contains all domain entities projects
    • Zero Local Dependency
  • Application

    • Contains all business logic projects
    • Depends on
      • Domain
      • Persistence
  • API

    • Contains Web API projects
    • Responsible for receiving and responding to http requests
    • Depends on
      • Application
  • Persistence

    • Contains Persistence projects
    • Responsible for database access and queries
    • Depends on
      • Domain
  • Infrastructure

    • Local
      • Contains local infrastructure projects eg, IoC, Security, Interfaces
    • Remote
      • Contains remote infrastructure project eg, Cloud repositories for images and videos
  • Presentation

    • Contains UI/Client projects eg, reactApp , angularApp ...
    • But Not Core MVC App This project is web api & client
    • Ignored by default from .git of backend to allow work separately on front-end
  • Dev

    • For any development files
    • Ignored from git track

Architecture Diagrams

Calls UML Diagram


References UML Diagram


Content Management System

  • PHP : Pure 7.1
  • Sessions : Used Apache Server Sessions , No Client Session, Only cokie with id
  • Jwt : AuthSystem Base
  • Every Server Side Functionalities Built from scratch except jwt generator
  • MySql
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Files Provider : Local File System


  • This application demonstrate the main design paradigm php oriented to , which called/ImplementedAs Spaghetti Pattern

    • This Pattern considered as an anti-pattern , so it's very dangerous to use it in medium+ application But since it is the most common paradigm php designed for for example you can use(access/modify) many global/static variables from anywhere in the code which violate SRP Single Responsibility Principle
  • So, Why Create This app with this pattern ?

    • Answer : to demonstrate some of use cases of this pattern , and show how very easy this pattern may destroy any project with just simple refactoring
  • At the end , there is no way in php to implement things like Clean Architecture without top-level abstraction layers eg, frameworks eg, laravel to restrict some of the language features or produce an alternatives of anti-pattern core features ,but surely this will comes with performance costs

DateBookReviewHQ75 mp4_20210629_182318 536

Dating Social App

  • Backend : Core Web API 2.2 => 3.0
  • Frontend Container : Angular8
  • UI Helpers : ngx-bootstrap
  • Sqlite & SqlServer
  • Files Provider : Cloud


  • Based On repository pattern
  • Respect Modularity & SOLID Design Principles

Granite Trading Site

  • Core MVC : 2.1
  • Razor Pages For Registeration System Layout
  • SqlServer
  • Files Provider : Local File System

Can used to handle overlayed widgets of any application without messing with the application logic

  • Used Python Tkinter as a GUI Library
  • Allow any widget or window to be on top/top-most and allow click through via alpha chanel
  • Highly Customizable if needed, but it can work directly without any additional configuration
  • Handle Clicks
  • Optionally override the widget geastures
  • Drag and Drop
  • Customizable z-index depth visability

UI Utils Allow to fetch all saved wifi passwords from local machine

  • UI Version
    • developed with wpf & windows system sdk
  • Silent Version
    • fetching passwords list by just clicking on exe file and save it to exe location
    • developed with windows form
  • Note
    • I remove tracking keyboard via remote server functionality since it is not encrypted and most of antivirus software will treat it as a malicious software
      • this happens because this functionality based on execute memory injection attack from C++ dll via unsafe code so you need to encrypt the source code and only compile it on the flay, so i will need to ship gcc compiler with this app, since neither me or you have a certification to publish this application with it and we can not legally accomplish this, so i just decide to move it to my rates software repository private.

      • Also still need to chip gcc or g++ with the spy server to allow low level execution , and this will only work well with windows xp, vista, unless you have a vulnerability to melt this app process with it :)

      • Also you should know , this mechanism is very popular in RAT applications eg, njRAT.



The main purpose of this app is demonstrate using pointers between different windows without losing data in wpf app


  • Wpf
  • SqlServer & SQLite

For more projects: take a look at AlBannaTechno Account


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