A Python client library for Crunch.io.
To use pycrunch in your project, run:
$ python setup.py develop
This will make the code in this directory available to other projects.
Start a simple site session via:
>>> import pycrunch
>>> site = pycrunch.connect("me@mycompany.com", "yourpassword", "https://app.crunch.io/api/")
Or, if you have a crunch access token:
>>> import pycrunch
>>> site = pycrunch.connect_with_token("DFIJFIJWIEJIJFKSJLKKDJKFJSLLSLSL", "https://app.crunch.io/api/")
Then, you can browse the site. Use print
to pretty-indent JSON payloads:
>>> print(site)
"element": "shoji:catalog",
"self": "https://app.crunch.io/api/",
"description": "The API root.",
"catalogs": {
"datasets": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/",
"urls": {
"logout_url": "https://app.crunch.io/api/logout/",
"views": {
"migration": "https://app.crunch.io/api/migration/"
URI's in payloads' catalogs, views, fragments, and urls collections are followable automatically:
>>> print(site.datasets)
"self": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/",
"element": "shoji:catalog",
"index": {
"https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/": {
"owner_display_name": "me@mycompany.com",
"description": "",
"id": "dbf9fca7b727",
"owner_id": "https://app.crunch.io/api/users/253b68/",
"archived": false,
"name": "Hog futures tracking (May 2014)"
Each recognized JSON payload also automatically gives dotted-attribute access to the members of each JSON object:
>>> print(site.datasets.index.values()[0])
"owner_display_name": "me@mycompany.com",
"description": "",
"id": "dbf9fca7b727",
"owner_id": "https://app.crunch.io/api/users/253b68/",
"archived": false,
"name": "Hog futures tracking (May 2014)"
Responses may also possess additional helpers, like the entity
property of
each Tuple in a catalog's index, which follows the link to the Entity resource:
>>> print(site.datasets.index.values()[0].entity_url)
>>> print(site.datasets.index.values()[0].entity)
"self": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/",
"element": "shoji:entity",
"description": "Detail for a given dataset",
"body": {
"archived": false,
"user_id": "253b68",
"name": "Hog futures tracking (May 2014)"
"weight": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/variables/36f5404/",
"creation_time": "2014-03-06T18:23:26.780752+00:00",
"description": ""
"catalogs": {
"batches": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/batches/",
"joins": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/joins/",
"variables": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/variables/",
"filters": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/filters/",
"views": {
"cube": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/cube/",
"urls": {
"revision_url": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/revision/",
"fragments": {
"table": "https://app.crunch.io/api/datasets/dbf9fca7b727/table/"
You typically add new resources to a Catalog via its create
>>> ds = site.datasets.create({"body": {
'name': "My first dataset"
}}, refresh=True)
>>> gender = ds.variables.create({"body": {
'name': 'Gender',
'alias': 'gender',
'type': 'categorical',
'categories': [
{'id': -1, 'name': 'No Data', 'numeric_value': None, 'missing': True},
{'id': 1, 'name': 'M', 'numeric_value': None, 'missing': False},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'F', 'numeric_value': None, 'missing': False}
'values': [1, 2, {"?": -1}, 2]
}}, refresh=True)
>>> print(ds.table.data)
"e7f361628": [
{"?": -1},
To access a Pandas Dataframe of the data in your dataset:
>>> from pycrunch import pandaslib as crunchpandas
>>> df = crunchpandas.dataframe_from_dataset(site,'baadf00d000339d9faadg00beab11e')
>>> print(df)
< Draws a dataframe table >