The project titled Covisight deals with the Covid related information.Covisight has a Dashboard which tracks the live COVID data and gives detailed information to the users.
It also has a Community module where the users can share their thoughts and ideas. 💭
An ML module that will analyze the chest X-Ray of the patients and predict whether the patient is COVID Positive or Negative.
The News module will feed the user with the latest COVID related news across all the countries. 🗞️
The mask detection model predicts whether the person is wearing the mask or not at live time using the live feed. 😷
Payment module enables the user to donate to the needy people. 💸
Hospital module has the details of the hospitals and the availabity of beds all over the India. 🏥
Indian Covid data - Coronacluster
International Covid data - Johns Hopkins University
Chest X- Ray data set - Kaggle
Vaccination details - Covid19.org , COWIN
Newsfeed - NewsAPI
- Django
- Postgres
- Google Data Studio
- Deep Learning
- Teachable Machine
- Rest API
- Payment Gateway
- Home module contains the common Myth Busters about the COVID-19.
It also has the popular Podcasts 🎙️ and Youtube videos regarding the COVID-19 prevention, awareness and readiness.
There will be a dashboard of Indian COVID-19 distribution.
The newsfeed module comprises of the news 📰 regarding the COVID-19.
The news are fetched from the NEWSAPI.
Top 20 news are displayed in a crisp manner and the user can also navigate to the original data resource.
- It holds the Dashboards of the Indian and International covid distribution, as well the vaccination.
The Dashboards are completely live and interactive.
The dashboards are created using Google Data Studio and Plotly and the data are taken from the reliable data resources.
This module detects if the person wearing the mask or not.
It's developed using Teachable Machine. :
It get the live data from the webcam and predict. It can also be embedded in CCTV live feed.
It holds the hospital information across the India.
It will automatically detect the location and shows the hospitals around the user.
Once the user clicked on the hospital it shows the details such as availability of Beds and all.
The users can share their thougts and put their queries here. ❓
Every user can see the posts and can like , dislike and comment on the post. 👍
The community forum strictly blocks the abuse talks. The posts are monitored by the admins.
If any post violates the terms it will be removed from the posts and the user will be barred from future posts.
Here the users can upload their Chest X-Ray and the model will predict whether the person has COVID-19 or Pneumonia or a healthy person.
The model is built using CNN and the dataset is taken from the kaggle.
- Once the user uploaded the image it will be uploaded to the API and the model will predict the output.
- It fetches the data from COWIN API and feeds the data in a compiled manner using the Dashboards.
Also it contains the state details and district details.
The user can further drill down and filter the data to know the more insights.
Here the user can donate to the needy people.
Also there will be some categories so that the user can donate to a specific cateogry.
We integrated the PayTM payment gateway so it's secure and encrypted.
This module is still in testing phase. Once we get the approval from the PayTM the user can actually make the payment.
Commonly asked FAQs are given here.
The screening test asks some questions and it allots the weightage to each answers and give us the exposure to the COVID-19 in percentages.
The user can create a new account or log in to his account.
Also the user can update his profile picture and change the password.
User can add the bio.
The owner of the post can edit and delete the post.
We conduct a small survey about the COVID-19, Vaccines and Work life balance.
This data is confidential and only for educational purpose.
The survey is created using the Typeform.
Visit our site here ➡️ Covisight
Feel free to contribute to our project. Have a nice day 😃