This is a minimal "distroless" image that only contains alpine's openssh-client-default package and its dependencies.
The container image is built using apko
by Chainguard, creators of the Wolfi Linux (un)distribution.
The image has no entrypoint set, so you need to state the command that you want to execute, i.e.:
docker run -ti --rm -v <local path>:<container path> alestrix/wolfi-openssh-client:latest-amd64 <command> <parameters>
For example
docker run -ti --rm -v ${PWD}/site:/site alestrix/wolfi-openssh-client:latest-amd64 scp -r "/site/*" web@server.tld:/var/www
(depending on your shell the *
might have to be escaped)
Available commands are scp
, sftp
, and ssh
Make sure to have all the directories (including local target directories when downloading to the host computer) and files that you need available inside the container. A private key file can only be read by the UID of the owner, so you might have to change the user the container is run as:
docker run -ti --rm -v /home/me/.ssh/id_ed25519:/id_key:ro --user $(id -u) \
-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /tmp/target:/target \
alestrix/wolfi-openssh-client:latest-amd64 \
sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /id_key web@myserver.tld
Have a look at apko-openssh-client.yaml