A pure ES6 fork of the Reflux data flow library similar to Facebook Flux.
You can read an overview of Flux here, however the gist of it is to introduce a more functional programming style architecture by eschewing MVC like pattern and adopting a single data flow pattern.
╔═════════╗ ╔════════╗ ╔═════════════════╗
║ Actions ║──────>║ Stores ║──────>║ View Components ║
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npm install airflux
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
const action = new airflux.Action();
// action is an instance of a class by default. you can trigger it using function `triger`.
// or create it as a function directly.
const changeMessage: ( message: string ) => any = new airflux.Action().asFunction;
changeMessage( 'hello world' );
The store is your data warehouse. Similar to actions, we’ll be creating a class for the store. A store holds only a state, and the syntax to change its state is the same as a React Component.
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
export type TestStoreState = { message: string };
class TestStoreState extends airflux.Store< TestStoreState > {
state = { message: 'Default state message' };
constructor() {
You can then connect a store to an action. Actions in Flux are the way to propagate a mutation to all stores.
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
export type TestStoreState = { message: string };
class TestStore extends airflux.Store< TestStoreState > {
state = { message: 'Default state message' };
constructor() {
this.listenTo( changeMessage, ( message ) => this.setState( { message } ) );
In this example, once the action changeMessage
is called, it will change the state of TestStore.
Connecting your component to a store should be made using dedicated component ConnectStore.
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
const stores = {
testStore: new TestStore()
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<airflux.ConnectStore stores={ stores } render={ ( { testStore } ) => <h1>{ testStore.message }</h1> }/>
Stores can be injected throughout the whole app using the environment concept. Using this principle, the application can initialize all stores in one environment. ConnectStore will automatically use this environment, anywhere in your application.
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
const environment = new airflux.Environment( {
testStore: new TestStore()
} );
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<airflux.AirfluxApp environment={ environment }>
<airflux.ConnectStore render={ ( { testStore } ) => <h1>{ testStore.message }</h1> }/>
import * as airflux from 'airflux';
const search = new airflux.Action().asFunction;
// loadElements will have the same signature as the function passed to AsyncResultAction.
// Flow will render an error otherwise
const loadResults = new airflux.AsyncResultAction(
( search: string, max: number ) => fetch( `/results/search/${search}/${max}` ).then( r => r.json() )
* A store that will hold the current search being done by the user.
class SearchStore extends airflux.Store {
state: { search: string } = { search: '' };
constructor() {
this.listenTo( search, search => this.setState( { search } ) );
const searchStore = new SearchStore();
class ResultsStore extends airflux.Store {
state: { results: Result[], resultsFiltered: Result[] } = {
results : [],
resultsFiltered : []
constructor() {
this.listenTo( search, search => loadResults( search, 50 ) );
this.listenTo( loadResults.completed, this.resultsLoaded );
resultsLoaded( results: Result[] ) {
const resultsFiltered = results.filter( r => r.matchesCritiria( this.state.searchStore.search ) );
this.setState( { results, resultsFiltered } );
const resultsStore = new resultsStore();
class Results extends React.Component< { results: { results: Result[], resultsFiltered: Result[] }, searchStore: any } > {
get resultsFiltered() : Result[] { return this.props.results.resultsFiltered; }
componentWillMount() {
search( 'a search' );
render() {
return (
<input type="text" value={ this.props.searchStore.search } onChange={ search } />
The search is : { this.props.searchStore.search }
{ this.resultsFiltered.map( r => <ResultLine result={ r } /> ) }
const ResultsContainer = ( props ) => <airflux.ConnectStore stores={ { resultsStores } } render={ ( { resultsStores, searchStore } ) => <Results {...props} results={ resultsStores } searchStore={ searchStore } /> } />;
There are two main categories of action:
- Action
- AsyncResultAction
Action are asynchronous actions dispatched inside your application: they have no result type, and the caller cannot know whether the action has been processed.
AsyncResultAction are actions that wrap a function returning a Promise. The return of the Promise will be piped to two children actions:
- completed
- failed
Create an action by creation an object from the class airflux.Action
const statusUpdateAction = new airflux.Action();
An action can then be transformed to a functor that can be invoked like any function.
const statusUpdate: ( data: Object ) => void = statusUpdateAction.asFunction;
statusUpdate( data ); // Invokes the action statusUpdate
You can choose to either create directly the action as a functor, or use .exec
to execute the action directly.
At this moment, functor are not completely typed with Flow. Therefore you will probably receive an error when attempting to access .completed
on a functor for instance.
For actions that represent asynchronous operations (e.g. API calls), a few separate dataflows result from the operation. In the most typical case, we consider completion and failure of the operation.
To create related actions for these dataflows, which you can then access as attributes, use .withChildren
Children are created on the parent action as Action. They're created on the functor of the parent action as functor themselves.
var loadAction = new airflux.AsyncResultAction();
var load = loadAction.asFunction;
// when 'load' is triggered, call async operation and trigger related actions
load.listen( () => {
// By default, the listener is bound to the action
// so we can access child actions using 'this'
.then( this.completed ) // here completed if the functor of the .completed action
.catch( this.failed );
There is a shorthand to define the completed
and failed
actions in the typical case: .asyncResult
. The following are equivalent:
new airflux.Action().withChildren( [ 'progressed', 'completed', 'failed' ] );
new airflux.Action().asyncResult().withChilren( [ 'progressed ' ] );
There are a couple of helper methods available to trigger the completed
and failed
- Expects a function which can return a promise object. If it does,#promise()
is called with the returned promise object.
Therefore, the following are all equivalent:
var asyncResultAction = new airflux.Action().asyncResult().asFunction;
asyncResultAction.listen( ( arguments ) =>
someAsyncOperation( arguments )
.then( asyncResultAction.completed )
.catch( asyncResultAction.failed );
asyncResultAction.listen( ( arguments ) => asyncResultAction.promise( someAsyncOperation( arguments ) ) );
asyncResultAction.listen( someAsyncOperation );
can take the listen function as a parameter. Therefore, the declaration before can be simplified as:
const asyncResultAction = new airflux.AsyncResultAction( someAsyncOperation );
In order to be used easily, actions should be converted to a functor using either asFunction
or asSyncFunction
Every functor contains an attribute .action
in order to get the original action object.
Action or Functor can be passed to listenTo
, with the same result.
var action = new airflux.Action().asFunction;
// trigger the action, using the default asynchronous functor
var syncActionFn = new airflux.Action().asSyncFunction;
// trigger the action, synchronously
var actionObject = new airflux.Action();
var actionObjectFn = new airflux.Action().asFunction;
actionObjectFn.action === actionObject;
Asynchronous actions can be used as promises, which is particularly useful for server-side rendering when you must await the successful (or failed) completion of an action before rendering.
Suppose you had an action + store to make an API request:
// Create async action with `completed` & `failed` children
const makeRequest = new airflux.AsyncResultAction();
class RequestStore extends airflux.Store {
constructor() {
this.listenTo( makeRequest, this.onMakeRequest );
onMakeRequest( url ) {
fetch( url ).then( response => {
if( response.ok ) {
makeRequest.completed( response.body );
} else {
makeRequest.failed( response.error );
Then, on the server, you could use promises to make the request and either render or serve an error:
makeRequest.triggerPromise('/api/something').then( ( body ) => {
// Render the response body
}).catch( ( err ) => {
// Handle the API error object
Creating stores is done by extending the airflux.Store
Stores are a lot similar to the React.Component:
- they have a state, which you should always declare with a type
- have a setState method to publish the state
class StatusStore extends airflux.Store {
state: { ready: boolean } = {
ready: false
constructor() {
this.listenTo( statusUpdate, ready => this.setState( { ready }) );
In the above example, whenever the action is called, the state is updated with the new status, which was passed as an argument to statusUpdate
Since stores can also be listened too, they can publish data.
The method setState
always publishes the value of state
to all listeners, after having updated the state with the partial data passed.
const changeMessage = new Action().asFunction;
class MessageStore extends airflux.Store {
state: { message: string } = {
message: '';
constructor() {
this.listenTo( changeMessage, this.setState( { message } ) );
anAction() {
this.setState( { message: 'Hello world!' } );
// this will change the `message` in the Store state and broadcast it to everyone.
changeMessage( 'Hello World!' );
Using airflux inside your React component can be done in three ways:
- by using the FluxComponent annotation
- using Capacitor component
- manually
The FluxComponent
annotation allows you to transform any of your component, regardless of its superclass, to a component listening to actions or stores.
The annotation was created in order for you to be able to transform one class to a Flux one, even if its superclass never needs Flux.
will add the following method to the class prototype:
- connectStore( store: Store, stateKey: string )
- listenTo( publisher: Action | Store, handler: Function )
const theMessageStore = new MessageStore();
class Status extends React.Component {
connectStore: ( store: Store< * >, stateKey: string, initialState?: boolean = false ) => void;
listenTo: ( publisher: Store< * > | Action< * >, callback: Function ) => void;
state: {
ready : boolean;
messageStore: $PropertyType< MessageStore, 'state' >;
constructor( props: *, context: * ) {
super( props, context );
this.listenTo( updateStatus, status => this.setState( { status } ) );
this.connectStore( theMessageStore, 'messageStore' );
render() {
// render specifics
return (
The status is { this.state.ready } to scream { this.state.messageStore.message }
will automatically set the state of your component with the state of the Store.
By default, this is done in componentWillMount
, which will be then available for the first rendering.
This is done as to be bulletproof as to where you will set your initial state: after or before connectStore
You can pass a third argument initialState
to true
if you wish to have right after connectStore
This default comportment might change in the future to true, if more people are setting the state directly on the property declaration, instead of in the constructor.
will need a handler to work. As usual, this works on both actions and stores.
In order to be Flow compliant, you need to include the declaration of the two functions that will be added by FluxComponent. This is a point that will probably be changed in the future once we find a better alternative.
The React component needs to start listening on componentDidMount
and stop listening on componentWillUnmount
class Status extends React.Component {
onStatusChange(status) {
currentStatus: status
componentDidMount() {
this.unsubscribe = statusStore.listen(this.onStatusChange);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
// render specifics
A store may listen to another store's change, making it possible to safely chain stores for aggregated data without affecting other parts of the application. A store may listen to other stores using the same listenTo()
function as with actions:
class StatusHistoryStore extends airflux.Store {
state: { statusStore: StatusStoreState };
constructor() {
this.connectStore( statusStore, 'statusStore' );
Don't like to use the EventEmitter provided? You can switch to another one, such as node.js's own like this:
// Do this before creating actions or stores
Whenever action functors are called (except via Action#triggerSync()
), they return immediately through the use of setTimeout()
function) internally.
You may switch out for your favorite setTimeout()
, nextTick()
, setImmediate()
, et al implementation:
// node.js env
For better alternative to setTimeout()
, you may opt to use the setImmediate()
polyfill, setImmediate2
or macrotask
The Airflux API contains join*()
methods that makes it easy to aggregate publishers that emit events in parallel. This corresponds with the waitFor()
mechanism in Flux.
A join is triggered once all participating publishers have emitted at least once. The callback will be called with the data from the various emissions, in the same order as the publishers were listed when the join was created.
There are four join methods, each representing a different strategy to track the emission data:
: Only the first emission from each publisher is saved. Subsequent emissions by the same publisher before all others are finished are ignored.joinTrailing()
: If a publisher triggers twice, the second emission overwrites the first.joinConcat()
: An array of emission arguments are stored for each publisher.joinStrict()
: An error is thrown if a publisher emits twice before the join is completed.
The method signatures all look like this:
airflux.join*(...publisher, callback)
Once a join is triggered, it will reset, and thus it can trigger again when all publishers have emitted anew.
All objects using the listener API (stores, React components using ListenerMixin
, or other components using the ListenerMethods
) gain access to the four join instance methods, named after the argument strategy. Here's an example saving the last emission from each publisher:
class GainHeroBadgeStore extends airflux.Store {
constructor() {
var gainHeroBadgeStore = new GainHeroBadgeStore();
actions.saveHostage('offices', 3);
// `gainHeroBadgeStore` will now asyncronously trigger `[[ 'docks' ], [ 'offices', 3 ], [ 'seedyletter' ]]`.
Airflux has refactored Flux to be a bit more dynamic and be more Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) friendly:
- The singleton dispatcher is removed in favor for letting every action act as dispatcher instead.
- Because actions are listenable, the stores may listen to them. Stores don't need to have big switch statements that do static type checking (of action types) with strings
- Stores may listen to other stores, i.e. it is possible to create stores that can aggregate data further, similar to a map/reduce.
is replaced in favor to handle serial and parallel data flows:- Aggregate data stores (mentioned above) may listen to other stores in serial
- Joins for joining listeners in parallel
- Action creators are not needed because Airflux actions are functions that will pass on the payload they receive to anyone listening to them