A ROS package to fit a 2D laser data of containing a wall with a line segment.
- /base_scan: 2D laser scan
- /hackathon/laser_debug: within debug mode, separate points on the wall with other points
- /hackathon/laser:
- range (rng), angle parameterization of line with respect to the laser coordinate system
- rng: float64, [-inf, +inf]
- angle: float64, [0, pi]
- left_rng: float64, distance to the left point of the line segment
- right_rng: float64, distance to the right point of the line segment
- Navigate to the root of the workspace and build the workspace with
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash or source devel/setup.zsh
$ catkin_make
- Play the recorded dataset in a loop
$ rosbag play src/laser/dataset/2018-09-28-17-39-40-wall.bag -l
- Run the rosnode in debug mode
$ rosrun laser laser --debug
- Run Rviz for visualization
$ rviz
- In Rviz Fixed Frame: laser_link LaserScan: /hackathon/laser_debug
$ python src/tests/test_laser.py