A Discord bot that repeatedly plays an audio file in a random interval. You can invite the public version of the bot (might be offline) or self host it.
- Install Node.js.
- Clone the GitHub repository.
- Create a Discord application. (click here)
- Open the application and go to Bot (on the left sidebar).
- Click Reset Token and enter your password (or 2FA code if you have it enabled) and copy token.
- Go to OAuth2 and URL Generator, on Scopes select bot and select Connect and Speak (located on the Voice Permissions section) and invite the bot using the generated url.
- Create a
, so it should look likeTOKEN=MTA2NjYyNTg0MzUyNDI3MjIxMg.GkLoPp.iA0UM1JXHp4FgK7952C_L9JNXrpXhMMyoL4Hfc
. - On the terminal, run
npm run start
Join a voice channel and use /play
Type /list
to see a list of available audio(s) to play.
Use /play <index>
to play the selected audio.
- Add your audio to the audio folder
- Open audios.json located in the config folder
- Create a new object
- Fill the path with
- Fill the name and src with whatever you want
- Your audio should be visible in the library
Use /disconnect
Use /delay show
to show the current delay
Use /delay <min> <max>
to set the random interval to a random value between min and max