Fits a kernel regression model to neural traces during visual behavior.
Before installing, it's recommended to set up a new Python environment with Python 3.7:
For example, using Conda:
conda create -n visual_behavior_glm python=3.7.9
Then activate the environment:
conda activate visual_behavior_glm
To facilitate development, it is recommended to set up the package in 'editable' mode:
git clone
cd visual_behavior_glm
pip install -e .
An additional dependency of the package is visual_behavior_analysis
Assuming that most users of this package will also be contributing to VBA, it should also be installed in 'editable' mode:
git clone
cd visual_behavior_analysis
pip install -e .
Alternatively, the current master branch could be installed with:
pip install git+
Test that the package was installed properly by importing the GLM class from outside of the visual_behavior_glm directory:
cd ~
>>> from visual_behavior_glm.glm import GLM
Please report issues at