Commands that manipulate OpenVDB sparse volume files.
Ensure you have OpenVDB installed. Below are steps to take to install it on a Mac.
git clone
cd vdb_cmd
stl2vdb [-v ]
Rasterizes an STL mesh into an OpenVDB sparse volume levelset grid with the provided voxel size. If the voxel size is omitted, it defaults to .5.
vdb2stl [-d ]
Convert an OpenVDB sparse volume levelset grid to an STL mesh with the provided detail (0-1). If detail is omitted, it defaults to .9.
vdb_boolean -a <VDB file A> -b <VDB file B> [ -i ] [ -u ] [ -d ] <out file>
Performs a CSG boolean operation on VDB levelset grids A and B. -i will perform the intersection of A and B. -u will perform the union of A and B. -d will perform the difference of A and B.
# Install most dependencies with homebrew
brew install boost
brew install tbb
brew install openexr
brew install ilmbase
brew install cppunit
brew install log4cplus
brew install glfw
brew install doxygen
# install blosc from source
curl -L -o c-blosc-1.12.1.tar.gz
cd c-blosc-1.12.1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
Change DESTDIR to /usr/local
Change Homebrew paths
- boost -
- tbb -
- openexr -
- etc.
- python -
Change Source paths
- blosc -
Comment out CONCURRENT_MALLOC_LIB := -ljemalloc
Uncomment CONCURRENT_MALLOC_LIB := -ltbbmalloc_proxy -ltbbmalloc
Comment out python
Change libboost_thread
to libboost_thread-mt
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