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Custom Settings

Alone_Monkey edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 3 revisions
setting meaning
MonkeyDevBuildPackageOnAnyBuild create package on any type of build.
MonkeyDevClearUiCacheOnInstall after the Debian package has been built and installed, clear uicache
MonkeyDevCopyOnBuild during any build, copy the target (executable) to the device at /var/root/iOSOpenDevBuilds/
MonkeyDevDeviceIP the host name (e.g. MyiPhone.local) or IP address (e.g. of the device you wish to use during development.
MonkeyDevDevicePassword password to ssh device
MonkeyDevDevicePort connect port of the device
MonkeyDevInstallOnAnyBuild install the package on the device on any type of build.
MonkeyDevInstallOnProfiling during a Build For Profiling (Command-Shift-I or Product > Build For > Build For Profiling), build the project's Debian package, copy the package to the device at /var/root/MonkeyDevPackages (using SSH) and install the package (using SSH and running dpkg locally on the device)
MonkeyDevkillProcessOnInstall after the Debian package has been built and installed, kill target process, default:respring the device.
MonkeyDevPath Do not change this. This is the path to MonkeyDev which is used by other build settings.
MonkeyDevTheosPath the path to theos installed

default value: ip: localhost port: 22

The Bash profile file also can export variable, ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile or others.

export MonkeyDevDeviceIP=
export MonkeyDevDevicePort=