ci: ensure migration is run on manual dispatch (#953) #450
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Jul 31, 2024 in 0s
All 157 tests pass in 0s
157 tests 157 ✅ 0s ⏱️
54 suites 0 💤
1 files 0 ❌
Results for commit 7c1282e.
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
157 tests found
There are 157 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Allow dialog create as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Allow getting activities as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting activity entry as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow getting dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Allow patch with valid If-Match ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow patching dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow posting activity as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Allow purging dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Allow updating dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ expected response to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ expected response to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected error to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected reponse to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ expected response status to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Attempt search without token ‑ expected WWW-Authenticate header to include 'Bearer'
Attempt search without token ‑ expected reponse headers to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search without token ‑ expected response status to equal 401
Deny attempt to patch with invalid If-Match ‑ expected response status to equal 412
Deny deleting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny dialog create as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Deny getting activities as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting activity entry as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny getting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny patching dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny posting activity as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Deny searching dialogs without search-scope ‑ expected response status to equal 403
Deny updating dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ expected response status to equal 404
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have a length of 2 got ${actual}
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Filter by extended status ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Filter by extended status ‑ has valid json body
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected ${this} to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected ${this} to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have a length of 3 got ${actual}
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with custom orderBy ‑ has valid json body
List with limit ‑ expected ${this} to be false
List with limit ‑ expected response json to be true
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have a length of 3 got ${actual}
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'continuationToken'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'hasNextPage'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
List with limit ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
List with limit ‑ expected response status to equal 200
List with limit ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create ‑ expected response json to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-...
Perform dialog create ‑ expected response status to equal 201
Perform dialog create ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to equal '…'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have nested property 'apiActions[0].endpoints[1].url'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected dialog to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updated revision to not equal '6b6cfbd0-011d-4754-95af-e91239ebe7c7'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updatedAt to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ expected updatedAt to not equal '2024-07-31T12:12:31.8883200Z'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get ‑ expected createdAt to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to equal 'b4089101-11cb-3674-93d7-929fc66d05c2'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'id'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected dialog to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform dialog get ‑ expected updatedAt to equal '2024-07-31T12:12:31.8883200Z'
Perform dialog get ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog purge ‑ expected response status to equal 204
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have a length at least 10 got ${actual}
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Perform simple dialog list ‑ has valid json body
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for body ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for body ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for body ‑ has valid json body
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for sender name ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for sender name ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for sender name ‑ has valid json body
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have a length of 1 got ${actual}
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have property 'items'
Search for title ‑ expected response json to have property 'length'
Search for title ‑ expected response status to equal 200
Search for title ‑ has valid json body