Implement redis' skiplist in C++. Refer to leveldb's skiplist and the Essay of William Pugh.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && cmake --build .
Init with default comparator. The type must support operators <
, >
and ==
#include "skiplist.h"
skiplist::Skiplist<std::string> skiplist(4); /* initial depths */
Init with custom comparator.
#include "skiplist.h"
const auto compare =
[](const std::string& k1, const std::string& k2) { return k1 < k2 ? -1 : (k1 == k2 ? 0 : 1); };
skiplist::Skiplist<std::string, decltype(compare)> skiplist(4, compare);
Insert a key.
/* return true if success */
Check whether a key exists.
if(skiplist.Contains("key1")) {
/* do something */
Get a key by rank
/* get first element */
const std::string& first_key = skiplist.GetElementByRank(0);
/* get last element */
const std::string& last_key = skiplist.GetElementByRank(-1);
/* access via index, 0-index based */
const std::string& first_key = skiplist[0];
const std::string& last_key = skiplist[skiplist.size()-1];
Get rank of a key
/* get the rank(0-index based) of a key */
const size_t rank = skiplist.GetRankofElement("key");
Get keys by range
/* get keys between [0, 4] */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsByRange(0, 4);
/* get the second last and the last key */
const std::vector<std::string>& last_keys = skiplist.GetElementsByRange(-2, -1);
Get keys by reverse range
/* get keys reversely between [0, 4] */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsByRevRange(0, 4);
/* get reversely the second last and the last key */
const std::vector<std::string>& last_keys = skiplist.GetElementsByRevRange(-2, -1);
Get keys greater than a value
/* return all keys greater than "key_to_compare" */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsGt("key_to_compare");
Get keys greater than or equal to a value
/* return all keys greater than or equal to "key_to_compare" */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsGte("key_to_compare");
Get keys less than a value
/* return all keys less than "key_to_compare" */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsLt("key_to_compare");
Get keys less than or equal to a value
/* return all keys less than or equal to "key_to_compare" */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsLte("key_to_compare");
Get keys within a range
/* return all keys within the range [key_start, key_end) */
const std::vector<std::string>& keys = skiplist.GetElementsInRange("key_start", "key_end");
Delete a key.
/* return true if success */
Update a key.
/* return true if success */
skiplist.Update("key2", "key5");
Iterate over the skiplist.
for (auto it = skiplist.Begin(); it != skiplist.End(); ++it) {
/* do something */
Print the skiplist.
cd build && ./skiplist_tests
cd build && ./skiplist_benchmark