const myJourney = {
currentRole: "Full Stack Developer",
specialization: ["Web Development", "App development"],
dailyTools: ["VS Code", "Git", "Docker", "Postman"],
learning: ["Machine Learning & Data Science", "Game Developement"],
interests: ["Open Source", "Tech Innovation", "Problem Solving"]
const aman = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
location: "India",
code: ["JavaScript", "Python", "C++", "Java", "Dart", "C#"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "game dev", "mobile apps", "machine learning"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ["React", "Next.js"],
css: ["Tailwind", "Bootstrap"],
mobile: ["Flutter", "React Native"]
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
python: ["Django", "Flask"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "PostgreSQL", "MySQL"]
gamedev: ["Unity", "C#"],
cloud: ["Google Cloud", "Firebase"],
misc: ["Blender", "Android"]
currentFocus: "Building scalable applications and exploring ML",
funFact: "I debug with console.log and refuse to admit it!"
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