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Silverback Template

Create a new project from this template

Minimum steps

  • > Use this template > Create a new repository
  • In the newly created repo
    • Settings > Manage access > Collaborators and teams
      • add Tech Team with Admin role
      • remove yourself
    • Settings > General > Pull Requests
      • Disable Allow merge commits
      • Enable Automatically delete head branches
  • Clone the newly create repo
  • Run pnpm i && pnpm --filter @custom/init run init from the project root
  • Answer its questions
  • Review the changes in the repo
  • Commit and push

Other steps

Connect to automatic estimations

There are Github workflows that can connect to the Amazeelabs Dashboard to log complexity statistics and retrieve automatic estimations. To use that, provide a JIRA_PROJECT_ID environment variable in the Github repository variables.

The project should then show up on Estimator page.

Choose a CMS

The template comes with Drupal and Decap CMS enabled by default. To disable either (or both), follow these two steps:

  1. Remove the dependencies to @custom/cms/@custom/decap from apps/website/package.json
  2. Remove the @custom/cms/@custom/decap plugins from apps/website/gatsby-config.mjs

Branches and environments

Branch name Connected environment Purpose
Pre Go Live Post Go Live
release (none) Contains everything that is approved for PROD deployment
prod PROD The production environment
dev DEV Sandbox/playground, no client data, anyone can merge anything Sandbox/playground, with client data, main testing environment
stage STAGE Second sandbox with client data and automated merge from dev to stage, regular data sync Second sandbox for bigger features that need a clean set up or would prevent other normal tasks from being performed while working on it. With client data. No automated merges from dev.
lagoon-* (same as branch name) Can be created for big, long-term feature developments. Use wisely
as it creates additional costs.

Development workflow

  • Create a new branch from release and commit your work in
  • Create a PR against release
  • Merge your branch to dev for testing
  • Testing feedback is committed to the branch and merged back to dev for retesting
  • When the PR is approved and Jira ticket gets to the Deploy state, the branch is merged to release
    • Please note, this does not trigger an actual PROD deployment
  • PROD deployment can be done by merging release branch into prod


Tip: The easiest way to set up a working environment for the project is devbox.

Install dependencies and prepare packages:

pnpm i
pnpm turbo:prep

Tip: Run pnpm turbo:prep:force after switching branches to avoid issues.

Working with apps and packages

Navigate to an app/package folder and run pnpm dev.

When working on integration tasks, it may be required to re-run pnpm turbo:prep from the repo root.

More info on Turborepo: docs/


Running pnpm turbo:prep works conditionally for Drupal. If database exists, it clears Drupal cache. Otherwise, it re-installs Drupal completely.

If you wish Drupal to be re-installed, run pnpm turbo:prep:force.

Environment overrides

The application is tailored to run locally out of the box. In a production or hosting environment, you will need to override some of the environment variables.

  • DRUPAL_HASH_SALT (lagoon): Drupal's hash salt. Should be different per environment for security reasons.
  • PUBLISHER_URL (lagoon): If publisher is set to a custom domain, this variable has to be defined.
  • NETLIFY: To publish the project to netlify, provide the following environment variables:
    • NETLIFY_SITE_ID (lagoon): The ID of the netlify project the
    • NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN (lagoon): The auth token for the netlify project.
    • NETLIFY_URL (lagoon): The URL of the netlify project.
    • NETLIFY_STORYBOOK_ID (github): If this is set, the UI packages storybook build will be published to netlify.
  • CLOUDINARY: To use cloudinary for image processing, provide the following environment variables:
    • CLOUDINARY_CLOUDNAME (lagoon): The cloud name of the cloudinary project.
    • CLOUDINARY_API_KEY (lagoon): The API key of the cloudinary project.
    • CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET (lagoon): The API secret of the cloudinary project.
  • DRUPAL_INTERNAL_URL (lagoon): The internal URL of the Drupal instance. This is used for the GraphQL build queries.
  • DRUPAL_EXTERNAL_URL (lagoon): The external URL of the Drupal instance. This is used for the GraphQL client queries.

On lagoon for example, this should happen in .lagoon.env files, or directly as lagoon runtime configuration.

lagoon add variable -p [project name] -e dev -N NETLIFY_SITE_ID -V [netlify site id]

Publisher authentication with Drupal

Publisher can require to authenticate with Drupal based on OAuth2. It is only used on Lagoon environments.

How it works

Drupal configuration

Create keys

Per environment, keys are gitignored and are auto-generated via a Lagoon post-rollout task.

To generate keys manually

via Drush: cd in the cms directory then

drush simple-oauth:generate-keys ./keys

or via the UI

  • Go to /admin/config/people/simple_oauth
  • Click on "Generate keys", the directory should be set to ./sites/default/files/private/keys
Create the Publisher Consumer

Per environment, Consumers are content entities.

  • Go to /admin/config/services/consumer
    • Create a Consumer
      • Label: Publisher
      • Client ID: publisher
      • Secret: a random string
      • Redirect URI: [publisher-url]/oauth/callback
    • Optional: the default Consumer can be safely deleted


  • make sure that the DRUPAL_HASH_SALT environment variable is >= 32 chars.
  • if enabled on local development, use for the cms and for Publisher

Publisher authentication

Edit website environment variables

PUBLISHER_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET="[secret used in the Drupal Consumer]"
PUBLISHER_OAUTH2_SESSION_SECRET="[another random string]"
Set the 'Access Publisher' permission

Optional: add this permission to relevant roles.

How to disable it

In website .lagoon.env set PUBLISHER_SKIP_AUTHENTICATION=true


If a CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN environment variable is set, the Storybook build will be published to Chromatic. Additionally setting the NETLIFY_STORYBOOK_ID environment variable will deploy storybook to netlify, which provides less features but is easier to access.

Layout images

These are images that are part of the design and are therefore not uploaded by the user. They have to be put into the static/public directory which is also shared with the website application (Gatsby). Examples are logos, icons, etc. In a component they should be rendered with a regular <img> tag and the src relative to the static/public directory.

<img src="/logo.svg" alt="Logo" />

Content images

These are images that are uploaded by the user, or on some other way injected from the outside. In production, images are handled by Cloudinary. In development, basic cropping is simulated in the browser. The location to store these images is the static/stories directory, which is used for Storybook only.

In the GraphQL schema, these images are represented by the ImageSource type. If the component requires ones of these, one should use the image helper from src/helpers/image, which produces exactly this type. The image itself can be imported from the static/stories directory using the @stories/ alias. The import is handled by vite-imagetools and has to end with as=metadata. It is also possible to apply transformations.

import Teaser from './Teaser';
import TeaserImage from '@stories/teaser.jpg?as=metadata';

export const WithImage = {
  args: {
    title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    image: image(TeaserImage),
} satisfied StoryObj<typeof Teaser>

In this case, the image will retain its intrinsinc dimensions. To simulate scaling, pass a width property.

import Teaser from './Teaser';
import TeaserImage from '@stories/teaser.jpg?as=metadata';

export const WithImage = {
  args: {
    title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    image: image(TeaserImage, { width: 400 }),
} satisfied StoryObj<typeof Teaser>

The image will retain its aspect ratio. To actually crop the image, also add a height.

import Teaser from './Teaser';
import TeaserImage from '@stories/teaser.jpg?as=metadata';

export const WithImage = {
  args: {
    title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    image: image(TeaserImage, { width: 400, height: 300 }),
} satisfied StoryObj<typeof Teaser>

Responsive images

In GraphQL fragments, it is possible to request responsive image sources.

fragment Teaser on Page {
  image(width: 400, height: 300, sizes: [[1200, 800]])

The output of image is also of type ImageSource. To simulate this in Storybook, add the same sizes property to the image helper.

export const WithImage = {
  args: {
    title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    image: image(TeaserImage, { width: 400, height: 300, sizes: [[1200, 800]]}),
} satisfied StoryObj<typeof Teaser>

IMPORTANT: If embedded this way, these images will not be visible in Storybook immediately. Instead, a placeholder that indicates the loaded images dimensions will be shown.

An approximation of the image that would be delivered by Cloudinary is embedded when:

  • On "demo" storybook builds deployed to netlify
  • In Gatsby when built on Lagoon.

These Cloudinary approximations are not real images and will fail integration tests. Therefore they are not used in regular development and testing scenarios.

"Strangling" legacy systems

The template includes a Netlify Edge Function (apps/website/netlify/edge-functions/strangler.ts) that allows to proxy unknown requests selectively to other systems. This can be used to replace only specific pages of a legacy system or incorporate existing business logic.

Refer to the Strangler Pattern blog post if you wonder where the name comes from, to Edge functions documentation for technical details and to strangler.ts for how to add new legacy systems.