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A Fluid Simulator on GPU (CUDA)

This is Candidate 1023011's 3rd year project at the CS department of Oxford.

Algorithms implemented:

  • FLIP (Fluid Implicit Particle) advection
  • PCISPH (Predicative-Corrective Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)
  • Position Based Fluid
  • Jacobi Pressure Solver
  • Surface reconstruction with Marching Cubes
  • Multiphase Fluid Diffusion


3D FLIP ball-drop simulation. 50^3 grid, 8 particles per cell, mraching cubes

3D FLIP ball-drop simulation. 50^3 grid, 8 particles per cell, marching cubes. Simulation + Rendering at around 20FPS on a GTX 1080 Ti

Multiphase Diffusion A red ball of fluid droppping into a blue box of fluid, with diffusion

2D semi-Lagrangian. Implemented in the early phases of the project


  • GLFW
  • GLEW
  • glm
  • STB image
  • Nukclear

The cmake file should be able to handle these automatically.


The project uses some of the cubemaps from as background.

More Images

Ball Drop Single Phase FLIP
Ball Drop Multi Phase FLIP
Ball Drop Single Phase PBF