a web API service to get this is a tool to download the videos, pictures, documents, etc of a Linkedin.com post developed by FastAPI.
the API documentations are here.
this project is now deployed here that you can use it free and easily. if you are a developer or you want to get data by the API go to the Documentation
also if you want to host this project on your own server or your machine, just clone the project on your machine and then choose one of the following options:
to run with docker you have to install the docker in your machine and then run the following command (in the project directory) :
docker build . -t linkedinapi
docker run -p "80:8000" linkedinapi
you can also run in detached mode with docker run -d
to install and run the project manually follow these steps in the bash terminal (in the project directory) :
NOTICE : you have to install python version 3.10
or higher on your machine.
# install the dependencies
pip install pipenv && pipenv install
# go to pipenv shell
pipenv shell
# run the app using uvicorn webserver
uvicorn src.main:app --host