A social marketplace where users can buy and sell new and secondhand stuff. This platform facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales with focusing on advertising. Which have sections to devoted real estate, vehicles, goods, community service, Industrial equipment, items wanted, jobs. by posting any placard you wish as many as you want.
This is the final project of the Advanced Programming course of the fall semester of 2022 at SBU presented by Dr.Vahidi, and created by Amirhossein Bayat and Hojat Ghasemi.
- Uses pure java with no dependencies and libraries included.
- Client and server can function with just 5MBs of heap memory.
- A not boring Cli client with colors and beautiful UI
Navigate to ServerSide folder, compile the project using:
javac -d bin -sourcepath src/main/java src/main/java/org/finalproject/server/ServerMain.java
Navigate to the newly created bin folder and Run the Server process with
java org.finalproject.server.ServerMain
Open a new terminal, navigate to the ClientSide folder. compile the java code with:
javac -d bin -sourcepath src/main/java src/main/java/org/finalproject/client/ClientMain.java
Navigate to the newly created bin folder and Run the client using
java org.finalproject.client.ClientMain
To limit memory usage, use -Xmx option followed by the amount of ram, for example 10m for 10MB:
java -Xmx10m org.finalproject.client.ClientMain
To debug memory usage use -memory option, this will print memory usage every 5 sec.
java org.finalproject.client.ClientMain -memory
to create a placard, after login/signup select option "Create placard" and fill in the fields like below: