Scaler Full Stack Module Beginner Curriculum
1. Web Fundamentals
2. Introduction to HTML
3. Starting of Portfolio Project
1. Inline vs Block Level Element
2. Different Types List
-> Unodered List
-> Ordered List
-> Description List
3. Tables
4. Forms
1. Css Introduction
2. Different Types Selectors
-> Element Selector
-> Class Selector
-> Id Selector
-> Attribute Selector
-> Descendant Selector
-> Children Selector
-> Combinatrics
3. CSS Colors
-> Default Colors
-> Hex Codes
-> rbga function
-> hsla() function
4. Background Properties
5. Text Related Properties (font-family, font-style...)
1. Display
-> inline
-> block
-> inline-block
-> none
2. box model
-> content-area
-> padding
-> border
-> margin
3. box-sizing
4. overflow
5. position
-> static
-> absolute
-> relative
-> fixed
-> sticky
1. FlexBox
-> container related properties
> justify content
> align items
> align content
> flex wrap
-> items related properties
> order
> grow
> shrink
> basis
2. Media query
3. FlexBox Example
> navigation bar
> cards
1. CSS Grid
-> container related properties
> place items
> place content
> grid-template-column
> grid-template-row
> grid-auto-flow
> gap
-> items related properties
> place self
> grid-row, grid-column
1. Specificity
2. Inheritance
3. Box Shadow
4. Different types of units in css
1. Introduction to JS
2. Node.js usage and installation
3. Ways of Linking HTML and JavaScript
4. Variable
5. Data Types
6. Arrays in Depth
1. Arrays Splice
2. Objects in depth
3. Hoisting with var and let,const
4. Reference Data type manipulation
1. Introduction to DOM
2. Element Selector (getElementById, getElementByClassName, querySelector, querySelectorAll)
3. appendChild, insertBefore
4. Event and addEventListener
1. Imperative vs dcalrative coding
2. Introduction DOM & Web API
3. How we can access elements from DOM
4. How we can add event listener to element or node
5. How we create new element
6. How we can update and append elements to DOM
1. Click
2. dblclick
3. change
4. keydown
5. keyup
6. mouseout
7. mouseover
8. scroll
addeventlistner -> HOF and it takes callback function where you write actual implementation logic
* Api link ->
* Json ->
* Api ->,What%20does%20API%20stand%20for%3F,of%20service%20between%20two%20applications.
Part - 1
## Requirement Discussion and Wireframe Discussion
1. HTML Mock for NavBar(Tool Bar), Ticket Creation Part, Ticket Viewing Part
2. Applied CSS for above mentioned Sections
3. Toogle Tocket Creation part
Part - 2
1. Dynamic way of creating Ticket
2. Handling Deleting of Ticket using Remove Button
Part- 3
1. locking mechanism
2. filtering mechanism
3. handling task status
Part- 4
1. Local Storage Implementation
2. Additional Style changes
3. Deployment
1. Event Propagation - Bubbling and capturing
2.Counter Component - Machine Coding
2. Star Component - Machine Coding
1. OTP Component
2. Nested Comments Component
3. Progress Bar Component
1. SetTimeout
2. Debounce
3. Throtling
4. Async vs Defer uscases