Webcam sentry is a web app that allows you to monitor your room when you are not around, all you need is a browser and a webcam!
Webcam sentry will allow you to whitelist people you trust to be in your room, however, if anyon else tries to enter the sentry will notify you sending you an email with suspect's face in frame.
run the following commands to create and start the flask server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
if you are trying to run the application on windows then follow the following steps
- install miniconda python 3.8, follow all the steps for installation and make sure you select the option to make conda available to all users
- create a new conda env
conda create --name "env_name_here"
conda activate "env_name_here"
conda install -c conda-forge dlib
- Finally, install the pip requirements
pip install -r requirements_conda.txt
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- JavaScript
- Flask (Python)
- SQLite3
- Dlib (For face recognition)
Development environement: Ubuntu Linux (16.04)
The webcam.js module used for this project was adopted from Face recognition is done using the following library since it is so great and accurate
- Sync webpage updates with the completion of AJAX requests
- Housekeeping functionality to remove old user data [DONE]
- Try to do a better job at using bootstrap :(