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Zaken Woningkwaliteit Duurzaamheid Backend


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Zaken Woningkwaliteit Duurzaamheid (ZWD)



Make sure you have Docker installed locally:

Getting up and running (Local development only)

These steps are necessary to make sure all configurations are set up correctly so that you can get the project running correctly.

First, make sure you have built the project and executed the database migrations:

docker network create zwd_network
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml build

Start ZWD backend:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up

Visit the Admin at http://localhost:8081/admin/

If you want to make use of the DSO api the following vars need to be set in the .local.env file:




Django DB migrations

For changes to the model you have to migrate the DB.

python makemigrations --name <name_of_your_migration> <name_of_apps>

python migrate

name_of_apps is the model you would like to change like: cases, events, workflow or schedules. You can use the ---empty flag to create a custom migration.

Adding pre-commit hooks

You can add pre-commit hooks for checking and cleaning up your changes:

bash bin/

Running tests

Containers should be running to run tests via docker.

docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d
docker compose exec -T zwd-backend python test /app/apps

Dynamic values in BPMN field labels

The embedded form in the camunda task does not support dynamic values by default. In the workflow model is a "method _evaluate_form_field_label" that will parse a form label with the following structure {{workflow.prop}} <camunda:formData> <camunda:formField id="form_controle_bouwjaar" label="This is a sentence for case {{}}" type="enum"> </camunda:formField> The above label will be parsed to "This is a sentence for case 123" Currently all properties and related objects of the workflow model are supported