AssassinGo is an extensible and concurrency information gathering and vulnerability scanning framework, with WebSocket based Web GUI.
Just for learn, welcome PR.
- Retrieve Security Headers
- Bypass CloudFlare
- Detect CMS Version
- Honeypot Detect
- Port Scan
- Trace Route and Mark on Google Map
- Subdomain Scan
- Dir Scan and Site Map
- Whois Lookup
- Crawl the Paramed URLs
- Basic SQLi Check
- Basic XSS Check
- Intruder
- SSH Bruter
- Google-Hacking with Headless-Chrome
- Friendly PoC Interface
- Web GUI(using WebSocket)
- Generate Report
git clone
cd AssassinGo
docker-compose up --build -d
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i assassingo_mariadb_1 /usr/bin/mariadb -uag --password=password ag
Then visit and login as admin:admin
If you want to deploy on your VPS, please clone the Frontend and modify the base_url
of AJAX and WebSocket, then run npm run build
and copy the output to web/
directory as says.
Remember to add your google-map key in index.html
I choose Composite Pattern to increase expansibility.
Path | Method | Func | Params | Return |
/token | POST | sign in | username=admin&password=adminn | {SG_Token:"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1M…W4ifQ.qY-k5f54CrQ6_dNdjgQgqjh5xS8iFZOjTLcfMfirY0w" (stored in cookie)} |
/api/target | POST | set a target | target=xxx OR targets=t1,t2... | nil |
/api/info/basic | GET | get ip and retrieve security headers | nil | {data:{"ip": "", "webserver": "nginx","click_jacking_protection":true,"content_security_policy":false,"strict_transport_security":false,"x_content_type_options":true} |
/api/info/bypasscf | GET | find real ip behind cloudflare | nil | {"real_ip":""} |
/api/info/cms | GET | detect cms | nil | {data:{"cms": "wordpress"}} |
/api/info/honeypot | GET | get ip and webserver | nil | {data:{"score": "0.3"}} |
/api/info/whois | GET | whois | nil | {data:{"domain":"","registrar_name":"alibaba", "admin_name":"xiaoming", "admin_email":"", "admin_phone":"+86.12312345678", "created_date":"2016-07-28T12:57:53.0Z","expiration_date":"2018-07-28T12:57:53.0Z", "ns":"", "state":"clienttransferprohibited"}} |
/api/poc | GET | get poc list | nil | {data:{"poc_list":["drupal-rce":{"id":"CVE-2017-7602","ty## pe":"remote code execution","text":"biubiubiu","platform## ":"php","data":"2018-04-25",## "reference":" bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-7602"},"seacms-v654-rce"]## }} |
/api/poc/:poc | GET | run the specified poc | nil | {data:{"host": "", "exploitable":"true"}} |
Path | Func | Params | Return |
/ws/info/port | port scan | nil | {"port": "80", "service": "http"} |
/ws/info/tracert | trace route and mark on google map | nil | {"ttl": 1, "addr":, "elapsed_time": 22720440, "country": China, "lat": 34.2583,"long": 116.1614} |
/ws/info/subdomain | enmu subdomain | nil | {"subdomain":""} |
/ws/info/dirb | brute force dir | {"concurrency":20, "dict":"php"}; {"stop":1} | {"path": "admin.php", "resp_status": 200, "resp_len": 110} |
/ws/attack/crawl | crawl paramed urls | {"max_depth": 4} | {"url": ""} |
/ws/attack/sqli | check sqli | nil | {"sqli_url": "} |
/ws/attack/xss | check xss | nil | {"xss_url": "} |
/ws/attack/intrude | brute force | {"header": "GET / HTTP/1.1 ...", "payload": "p1,p2...", "concurrency": "10"}; {"stop":1} | {"payload": 1, "resp_status": 200, "resp_len": 110} |
/ws/attack/ssh | brute force ssh | {"port":"22",, "concurrency":40} | {"user":"root","passwd":"biubiubiu"} |
/ws/seek | seek targets | {"query": "biu", "se": "bing/google", "max_page": 10} | {"urls": urls} |
/ws/poc/:poc | run poc | {concurrency:10} | {"exploitable_host": ""} |