Table of Contents
This blockchain Fund Me application that accepts ETHER donations from the public based on specific Campaign Objectives and in return we gift the donor with an exclusive FundMe Punks NFT.
The user can then view their NFT on OpenSea and verify the transactions on Etherscan. The user is also able to interact with the contract code via Etherscan
It's hosted on Netlify with a React FrontEnd page that the user can use to interact with the contact and donate to the campaign. You can see the deployed FronEnd here and interact/donate to get an NFT. You will need some Rinkeby Test Ether.
The collection has 900 indidual NFTs each with their own characteristics and properties. Not one NFT is like another. They were created with a method that ensured that each NFT is unique by assigning a hash to each NFT based on attributes and checkinng to see if it was already created. The code for the image generator is not included in theis repo as it was not the focus of the project.
This project leverages the following tools for financial analysis:
Conda - source package management system and environment management system.
Node.js & NPM - For running the FrontEnd. Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime.
Yarn - For installing React dependencies. Yarn is used to install all dependencies for a project.
Ethereum - Ethereum is the community-run technology powering the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.
Solidity - Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts.
Brownie - Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Brownie React Mix - This mix comes with everything you need to start using React with a Brownie project.
Ganache Truffle - Quickly fire up a personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates.
Pinata - For storing the NFT image and metadata. Pinata secures and moves data with IPFS.
Netlify CLI - For deploying the React FrontEnd. Netlify’s command line interface (CLI).
Metamask - MetaMask is an Ethereum evm crypto wallet and handles account management and connecting the user to the blockchain.
The project is deployed!
Here are some cool screenshots and code snippets of the working app.
You can see the deployed FronEnd here and interact/donate to get an NFT. You will need some Rinkeby Test Ether.
Pictures of the FrontEnd and the Testing on Rinkeby. A few trial contracts were necessary to get the final code for the contract to show the image and metadata stored in Pinata.
Three wallets were used and the transactions are visible on Etherscan.
- Contract Deployment code:
def deploy_contract(): """ Deploys the contract according to the current network and veryfies the code ccordingly. Builds the ipfs public and hidden paths. """ ipfs_image_metadata_cid = "" ipfs_hidden_image_cid = "" if network.show_active() == 'development': ipfs_image_metadata_cid = config['token']['ipfs_image_metadata_cid'] ipfs_hidden_image_cid = config['token']['ipfs_hidden_image_cid'] if network.show_active() == 'rinkeby': ipfs_image_metadata_cid = f"ipfs://{config['token']['ipfs_image_metadata_cid']}/" ipfs_hidden_image_cid = f"ipfs://{config['token']['ipfs_hidden_image_cid']}/hidden.json" print('Deploying Contract...\n') # print(network.show_active()) # @dev for testing only # print(ipfs_image_metadata_cid) # @dev for testing only # print(ipfs_hidden_image_cid) # @dev for testing only account = get_account() print('from: account', account, '\n') contract = FundMePunksNFT.deploy( config['token']['name'], config['token']['symbol'], float(config['token']['mint_cost'])*10**18, # @dev The minimum donation value for the NFT converted to wei value config['token']['max_supply'], ipfs_image_metadata_cid, ipfs_hidden_image_cid, {"from": account}, publish_source=config["networks"][network.show_active()].get("verify")# @dev will only verify outside of Ganache based on brownie-config.yaml settings ) if network.show_active() == 'rinkeby': print(f'\nContract deployed to:\n{contract.address}') else: print(f"\nGanache Deployed {config['token']['name']} to address: {contract.address}") return contract
- You can interact with it here
- You need Rinkeby Ether
- You need Metamask with a wallet on the Rinkeby Network
This image displays the FundMePunksNFT project on OpenSea
- You can see individual NFT characteristics and properties.
- You can also view other NFTs that have been mnted.
These images display the contract transactions on Etherscan
- Click here to see the contract creation hash
- You can interact with the contract directly on Etherscan
- Click here to see Owner's Wallet on Etherscan. You can the contract creation hash, ERC721, and other transactions there.
These images display the two test accounts used to conduct transactions and the many tests on the testnet
- Click here to see Test Account 1 on Etherscan. You can also see the ERC721 transactions there
- Click here to see Test Account 2 on Etherscan. You can also see the ERC721 transactions there
I have placed Comments throughout the code so that you can follow the code and be able to replicate the app on your own. Also, so that you're able to contribute in the future :-)
A text editor such as VS Code or Sublime Text is needed for this application.
WARNING! We recommend using Node.js 16.13.1 and the React versions used with the project. You may experience conflict with dependencies if you try to use other versions. We used Yarn to install the React Dependencies.
Clone the repo
git clone
You don't need to install pip - Conda comes with pip and you can also use the command conda install 'package name'
Install Conda according to the instructions based on your operating system. For windows users you MUST use the Administrator PowerShell. Users with AMD Processors MUST use the Administrator PowerShell 7 (X64) version
Once installed Conda has an Admin PowerShell version shortcut - look on your Start menu for it. This shortcut will prove very useful at times when you need to install other apps or make adjustments to your installation
Once installed and you have finished all Conda instructions, you will see (base) on your terminal. Make sure that you finish the Conda full installation or this will not work!!
Activate Conda Dev environment
conda activate dev
You should now see (dev) on your terminal (if not go back to step 3)
Install Node.js 16.13.1 according to your Operating System. You may need to use an Administrator Terminal. Follow the instructions on the Docs for Node.js
npm install -g node@16.13.1
Install Yarn according to your Operating System. You may need to use an Administrator Terminal. Follow the instructions on the Docs for Yarn
npm install --global yarn
Install the React client dependencies.
cd ./client yarn install
If you want to be able to deploy to testnets, do the following.
Set your WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID, and PRIVATE_KEY environment variables.
You can get a WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID by getting a free trial of Infura.
You can find your PRIVATE_KEY from your ethereum wallet like metamask.
You'll also need testnet ETH. You can get ETH into your wallet by using the faucet for the appropriate testnet.
We used Rinkeby for this project. Rinkeby Faucet Located Here. You can find Backup Faucets here .
You can add your environment variables to a .env file. You can use the .env_example in this repo as a template, just fill in the values and rename it to '.env'.
Install and Start Ganache.
You need to create a new workspace and name it BROWNIE TEST ONLY.
Use with Network Id of 1337 and Port 8545.
Launch Ganache and select the BROWNIE TEST ONLY workspace.
Install Meatamask and do the following:
Create a new wallet and make sure that you label it BROWNIE TEST ONLY.
Copy the private key and save it to the .env file.
Create a Ganache Network in Metamask with Network Id of 1337 and Port 8545.
Import at least 2 accounts from Ganache into Metamask by importing their private keys into Metamask.
You don't need the brownie console. But you may start the console and it launches the Ganache CLI instance in the background.
Compile the project
brownie compile
Run the deployment script to deploy the project's smart contracts.
All commands can be performed from the terminal. We will be covering NOT using the console:
To deploy the project in Ganache: From the react/ folder:
$ brownie run scripts/ Brownie v1.18.2 - Python development framework for Ethereum ReactProject is the active project. Running 'scripts\'... Deploying Contract... from: account 0x4b9f53B331E21145090D9Fa29d0262bb52C34AA5 Transaction sent: 0x6b56fae6194a609883f6ec3dcc2113edb38b58e4da3a75be6acaf1b1198518a3 Gas price: 0.0 gwei Gas limit: 6721975 Nonce: 134 FundMePunksNFT.constructor confirmed Block: 143 Gas used: 2336261 (34.76%) FundMePunksNFT deployed at: 0xF8c35D63F20aEc69B7B7Cf524167532C56Ab0079
While Brownie is still running, start the React app in a different terminal.
The first time this app is used, the node modules have to be installed in /src. To do this, navigate to ./client/src and run
# make sure to use a different terminal, not the brownie console Yarn install
Start the FrontEnd after installing dependencies. Navigate to ./client and run
# make sure to use a different terminal, not the brownie console npm start
Connect Metamask to the local Ganache network. In the upper right corner, click the network dropdown menu. Select
Localhost 8545
. For TestNet deployment selectRinkeby Test Network
: -
Interact with the smart contracts using the web interface or via the Brownie console.
Any changes to the contracts from the console should show on the website after a refresh, and vice versa.
When you close the Brownie console, the Ganache instance also terminates and the deployment artifacts are deleted.
To retain your deployment artifacts (and their functionality) you can launch Ganache yourself prior to launching Brownie. Brownie automatically attaches to the ganache instance where you can deploy the contracts. After closing Brownie, the chain and deployment artifacts will persist.
To deploy your contracts to the mainnet or one of the test nets, first modify scripts/
to use a funded account.
To deploy and run on Rinkeby, set the network flag to rinkeby
brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
Replace rinkeby
with the name of the network you wish you use. You may also wish to adjust Brownie's network settings.
For contracts deployed on a live network, the deployment information is stored permanently unless you:
- Delete or rename the contract file or
- Manually remove the
Jose Tollinchi
Amanda Hu
Jason Rossi
John Batarse
Other Resources
This mix provides a bare-bones implementation of Create React App, configured to work with Brownie.
To get started with React and building a front-end for your dApps:
- Rimble is an open-source library of React components and guides to help you make dApps. Along with components they provide guides and tutorials to help you get started.
- For more in-depth information, read the Create React App documentation
To get started with Brownie:
- Check out the other Brownie mixes that can be used as a starting point for your own contracts. They also provide example code to help you get started.
- "Getting Started with Brownie" is a good tutorial to help you familiarize yourself with Brownie
- For more in-depth information, read the Brownie documentation