Kindly download CS-102-Project-main folder from Google Drive, NodeJS, MongoDB Compass.
After completion, open the folder in a code editor (eg. Microsoft Visual Studio Code). Then follow the given steps:
Open app.js and open the terminal on that location.
Set up npm using the following command: npm init -y
Set up the required npm packages by using the following command: npm i body-parser express ejs express-session mongoose passport passport-local-mongoose npm install -g nodemon
Open up a new terminal and type: mongod This starts up the Mongod server.
In the terminal opened up at the foldder location, type: nodemon app.js This starts up the web app server.
Access the locally hosted website at: localhost:3000
To set up an 'admin' user, signup the user as a Faculty, then go to MongoDB Compass, go to Users Collection and change the registered user's role to admin.
Following are the necessary links:
For any further clarifications, contact (Ankur De) or (Ashish Lal)