This is a basic starter template for token based authentication setup using Spring Boot for backend and Next JS for frontend. The authentication is based on the Token based Authentication setup where JWT token is used with support of Refresh Token (token expiry can be configured in the file). The backend is configured with REST configuration to enable authentication through api calls. Frontend uses NextAuth JS for managing the authentication and is configured with Refresh Token Rotation mechanism.
Uses two databases, MySQL and H2 MySQL DB is used for storing the persistent data and H2 DB is an in memory DB which is used for storing the assigned jwt token for each user Note: H2 DB doesn't require any other configuration, it will automatically start along with the backend server and is volatile. Current user configuration doesn't consider role based usecase
- update the file # replace with your preferred application name
# MySQL DB setup
spring.datasource.persistent.username=anandup # replace with your mysql username
spring.datasource.persistent.password=password # replace with your mysql password
# H2 DB setup
spring.datasource.inmemory.username=sa # Default username
spring.datasource.inmemory.password= # leave blank
spring.jpa.status=update # DDL generation setting
inmemory.max.entry=100 # maximum user active user limit
jwt.expiry=86400000 # JWT token expiration in ms (1 day)
refreshToken.expiry=2628000000 # Refresh Token Expiration in ms (1 month)
- Starting the server
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Endpoint | Purpose |
/api/auth/register | For creating a new user |
/api/auth/login | Sign in |
/api/auth/refreshToken | For generating a new JWT token |
/api/auth/authorizationCheck | Checking if user is authenticated |
/api/auth/logout | Sign out |
/api/user/test | Test Endpoint (requires authentication) |
- add a .env file to the home directory (frontend)
NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 # Replace with your frontend server endpoint
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=Some-Secret-value # Replace with your secret value
NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8080 # Replace with your backend server endpoint
TOKEN_REFRESH_RATE=86390000 # Token refresh rate in ms (23.5 hrs)
Note: For creating a secure secret value, use this command on the terminal
openssl rand -base64 32
- Install the packages
pnpm install
- Starting the server
pnpm dev
Endpoint | Purpose |
/ | Login Page |
/signup | Sign up Page |
/user | Protected Route |