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This is an API wrapper for Loot Bot (


Download from PyPi

  1. pip install LootBotApi
  2. from LootBotApi import LootBotApi
  3. api = LootBotApi(TOKEN) --> the token can be found using the command /token on
  4. Call the methods from the object created above


Api Wrapper

Most of this methods will return a list of Munch objects. This means that the attributes of the result can either be accessed as dictionary keys or object attributes


  • get_items(rarity = None) It returns all the items in the game, if rarity is passed it returns all the items of that rarity
  • get_item(item) It returns the info about a given item
print(api.get_item("Meccanismo di Ferro").id) #363
print(api.get_item(363).name) #Meccanismo di Ferro


  • get_history(place = "payments",limit = None,offset = None,fromPlayer = None,toPlayer = None,fromItem = None,toItem = None,both = None,fromPrice = None,toPrice = None,orderBy = "desc") It returns the transactions with the specificied parameters


  • get_players() It returns all the players of LootBot
  • get_player(player) It returns the info about the player


  • get_crafts() It returns all the crafts in the game
  • get_craft_needed(item_id) It returns the items requested to craft the item
  • get_craft_used(item_id) It returns the item that you can craft using the item
items = api.get_craft_needed(363)
for item in items:

#Meccanismo di Legno


  • get_shop(shop) It returns the infos about the shop


  • get_cards() It returns all the cards in the game


  • get_global() It returns the progress of the current global challenge, it's updated every hour
  • get_info() It returns infos about the current global challenge


  • get_team(team) it returns the infos about a team


  • get_searches(quantity) It returns the searches made on the bot

Custom Methods

These methods are not natively implemented in the API but they are derived by them.


Meaning of inventory

The inventory paramater excepts a dict structured like this:

  item1: quantity,
  item2: quantity,
  itemN: quantity
  • get_total_craft_points(item) It returns the total craft points that you will get to craft the item
 print(api.get_total_craft_points("Ordigno Polverizzatore")) #113
  • get_crafting_steps(item,num_elements=1,inventory=dict()) It returns as a list of dicts all the steps to craft a certain element (and in a certain quantity). If the inventory is passed the items already owned will not be listed.
def print_steps(steps):
  for step in steps:
      for elemento in step:
          print(f"Crea {elemento},{step[elemento]}")

steps = api.get_crafting_steps("Scudo Punta Doppia",5)
Crea Scudo Punta Singola,3
Crea Scudo Punta Singola,2
Crea Scudo Punta Doppia,3
Crea Scudo Punta Doppia,2

inventory = {"Scudo Punta Singola":2}
steps = api.get_crafting_steps("Scudo Punta Doppia",5,inventory=inventory)
Crea Scudo Punta Singola,3
Crea Scudo Punta Doppia,3
Crea Scudo Punta Doppia,2
  • get_craft_total_needed_base_items(item,num_elements=1,inventory=dict()) It returns a dict containing the name of all the base items needed to craft a certain element (and in a certain quantity). If the inventory is passed the items already owned will not be listed.
print(api.get_craft_total_needed_base_items("Scudo Punta Tripla",2))
#{'Ambra Nera': 2, 'Materiale Affilante': 2, 'Manico': 2, 'Scaglia di Rubino': 2, 'Metallo': 2, 'Scheggia': 2, 'Nastro Adesivo': 2}
  • get_craft_needed_base(item_id) It returns a list of base elements needed to craft the item
print(api.get_craft_needed_base(api.get_exact_item("Scudo Punta Tripla").id))
#[Munch({'id': 80, 'name': 'Ambra Nera', 'rarity': 'UR', 'craftable': 0}), Munch({'id': 127, 'name': 'Materiale Affilante', 'rarity': 'UR', 'craftable': 0})]


  • get_average_market_price(item) It returns the average price of an item in the market as an integer
 print(api.get_average_market_price("Ferro")) #37394


  • get_exact_item(item) It returns the exact item searched
[Munch({'id': 1, 'name': 'Carta', 'rarity': 'C', 'rarity_name': 'Comuni', 'value': 410, 'max_value': 205000, 'estimate': 2000, 'spread': 46, 'spread_tot': 0.116, 'craftable': 0, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 0, 'cons_val': 0}), Munch({'id': 8, 'name': 'Carta Stropicciata', 'rarity': 'NC', 'rarity_name': 'Non Comuni', 'value': 810, 'max_value': 405000, 'estimate': 1237, 'spread': 44, 'spread_tot': 0.084, 'craftable': 0, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 0, 'cons_val': 0}), Munch({'id': 35, 'name': 'Aereo di Carta Piccolo', 'rarity': 'NC', 'rarity_name': 'Non Comuni', 'value': 1121, 'max_value': 1121000, 'estimate': 11750, 'spread': 30, 'spread_tot': 0.001, 'craftable': 1, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 0, 'cons_val': 0.1}), Munch({'id': 36, 'name': 'Aereo di Carta Grande', 'rarity': 'R', 'rarity_name': 'Rari', 'value': 1697, 'max_value': 1697000, 'estimate': 13045, 'spread': 28, 'spread_tot': 0.001, 'craftable': 1, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 1, 'cons_val': 0.15}), Munch({'id': 37, 'name': 'Caccia di Carta', 'rarity': 'UR', 'rarity_name': 'Ultra Rari', 'value': 3468, 'max_value': 3468000, 'estimate': 4650, 'spread': 25, 'spread_tot': 0, 'craftable': 1, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 3, 'cons_val': 0.25})]

Munch({'id': 1, 'name': 'Carta', 'rarity': 'C', 'rarity_name': 'Comuni', 'value': 410, 'max_value': 205000, 'estimate': 2000, 'spread': 46, 'spread_tot': 0.116, 'craftable': 0, 'reborn': 1, 'power': 0, 'power_armor': 0, 'power_shield': 0, 'dragon_power': 0, 'critical': 0, 'craft_pnt': 0, 'cons_val': 0})