AbsImm is an open source text adventure engine. Adventures are written in an intuitive open XML-based format. Several clients for different platforms are already available.
- Simplified Text story format support allowing basic interactivity.
- Comprehensive XML story format support, which allows modelling complex situations using states.
- Save and load game states
- Open story file formats
- Cross platform (Android >= API level 16)
- Java JDK >= 1.8
- Maven >= 2
For an example project, see the Cli client.
repositories { ... maven { url "http://rod.bplaced.net/maven2" } } dependencies { ... compile 'net.ancientabyss.absimm:absimm-core:0.5-SNAPSHOT' }
<repositories> .... <repository> <id>ancientabyss</id> <url>http://rod.bplaced.net/maven2</url> </repository> </repositories> <dependencies> ... <dependency> <groupId>net.ancientabyss.absimm</groupId> <artifactId>absimm-core</artifactId> <version>0.5-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
// load the story from a string
Story story = new Loader(new XmlParser()).fromString(...); // or TxtParser() for the simplified format
// or from a file
Story story = new Loader(new XmlParser()).fromFile(...); // or TxtParser() for the simplified format
// either set a client to which AbsImm passes messages...
// ... or use the history to retrieve messags synchronously
// Start the adventure
// Handle user input
while (...) {
Responses from the engine are pushed to the client, but can also be retrieved via the history.
// Get the current state, e.g. for saving the active session
// Restore a state
Simplified stories are text files which are divided into sections that use decision nodes to allow jumping between sections, where:
- section starts are indicated by lines in the form '<section>:'
- lines in the form '* <label> (<section>)' define decision nodes, which allow jumping to sections
Other commands:
- To immediately return to the previous section use the peek section operator: '<<'.
- When using '-' instead '*' as prefix for decision nodes, the available decision options will be hidden.
* world (sec_world)
* humans (sec_humans)
The following example prints
- world
- humans
expects the user to enter either 'world' or 'humans', and then responds with either 'Whoop!' or 'Well.'.
Stories are defined in XML and need to be conform to the story.xsd. Examples can be found in the res directory. Story files need to be encoded as UTF-8.
For Android (API level <24) compatibility uses the streamsupport library instead Java 8 Streams.