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Scripts and tools for managing reference genomes


This repo contains a nextflow pipeline that downloads, indexes, and builds annotation databases for reference genomes from wormbase. The following outputs are created:

  1. A BWA Index
  2. SNPeff annotation database
  3. CSQ annotation database
  4. Samtools faidx index
  5. A GATK Sequence dictionary file

Software Requirements

  • The latest update requires Nextflow version 24+. On Rockfish, you can access this version by loading the nf24_env conda environment prior to running the pipeline command:
module load python/anaconda
source activate /data/eande106/software/conda_envs/nf24_env

Relevant Docker Images

  • andersenlab/genomes (link): Docker image is created within this pipeline using GitHub actions. Whenever a change is made to env/genomes.Dockerfile or .github/workflows/build.yml GitHub actions will create a new docker image and push if successful.


If you need to work with the docker container, you will need to create an interactive session as singularity can't be run on Rockfish login nodes.

interact -n1 -pexpress
module load singularity
singularity shell [--bind local_dir:container_dir] /vast/eande106/singularity/<image_name>


Note: if you are having issues running Nextflow or need reminders, check out the Nextflow page.

Testing on Rockfish

This command uses a test dataset

nextflow run -latest andersenlab/genomes-nf --debug

Running on Rockfish

You should run this in a screen or tmux session.

nextflow run -latest andersenlab/genomes-nf -resume --wb_version=WS276 --projects=c_elegans/PRJNA13758



Can be set to 'rockfish' (default), local, or quest.


The wormbase version to build. For example, WS276.


A comma-delimited list of species/project_id identifiers. A table below lists the current projects that can be downloaded. This table is regenerated as the first step of the pipeline, and stored as a file called project_species.tsv in the params.output folder (./genomes if working locally).

The current set of available species/projects that can be built are:

species project
b_xylophilus PRJEA64437
c_briggsae PRJNA10731
c_angaria PRJNA51225
a_ceylanicum PRJNA231479
a_suum PRJNA62057
a_suum PRJNA80881
b_malayi PRJNA10729
c_brenneri PRJNA20035
c_elegans PRJEB28388
c_elegans PRJNA13758
c_elegans PRJNA275000
c_latens PRJNA248912
c_remanei PRJNA248909
c_remanei PRJNA248911
c_remanei PRJNA53967
c_inopinata PRJDB5687
c_japonica PRJNA12591
c_sp11 PRJNA53597
c_sp5 PRJNA194557
c_nigoni PRJNA384657
c_sinica PRJNA194557
c_tropicalis PRJNA53597
d_immitis PRJEB1797
h_bacteriophora PRJNA13977
l_loa PRJNA60051
m_hapla PRJNA29083
m_incognita PRJEA28837
h_contortus PRJEB506
h_contortus PRJNA205202
n_americanus PRJNA72135
p_exspectatus PRJEB6009
o_tipulae PRJEB15512
p_redivivus PRJNA186477
s_ratti PRJEA62033
s_ratti PRJEB125
o_volvulus PRJEB513
p_pacificus PRJNA12644
t_muris PRJEB126
t_spiralis PRJNA12603
t_suis PRJNA208415
t_suis PRJNA208416


Outputs are nested under params.output with the following structure:

c_elegans                                                                   (species)
└── genomes
    └── PRJNA13758                                                          (project)
        └── WS276                                                           (build)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.dict                      (dict file)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz                     (fasta)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.amb                 (bwa index)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.ann                 (bwa index)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.bwt                 (bwa index)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.fai                 (samtools faidx index)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.gzi                 (bwa index)
            ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.genome.fa.gz.pac                 (bwa index)
            ├──                  (bwa index)
            ├── csq
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.csq.gff3.gz                  (CSQ annotation GFF3)
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.csq.gff3.gz.tbi              (tabix index)
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.AA_Length.tsv                (protein lengths)
            │   └── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.AA_Scores.tsv                (blosum and grantham scores)
            ├── lcr
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.repeat_masker.bed.gz         (low complexity regions)
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.repeat_masker.bed.gz.tbi     (tabix index)
            │   ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.dust.bed.gz                  (low complexity regions)
            │   └── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276.dust.bed.gz.tbi              (tabix index)
            └── snpeff
                ├── c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS276                              (tabix index)
                │   ├── genes.gtf.gz                                        (Reference GTF)
                │   ├── sequences.fa                                        (fasta genome (unzipped))
                │   └── snpEffectPredictor.bin                              (snpEff annotation db)
                └── snpEff.config                                           (snpEff configuration file)


  • The SNPeff databases are not collected together in one location as is often the case. Instead, they are stored individually with their own configuration files.
  • The GFF3 files for some species are not as developed as C. elegans. As a consequence, the biotype is inferred from the Attributes column of the GFF. See bin/format_csq.R for more details.


The updated csq-formated gff script needs to be updated for other species besides C. elegans (if running the default mode)


scripts and tools for managing genomes







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Contributors 3
