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A PowerShell module for parsing nps/ias log files.
Basically, the module only contains only one command:
This command takes single logfile, as well as Pipelineinput from Get-ChildItem (dir), parse trough the files and put out records as well formed objects.
Basically, the intended usage is a construct of
dir *logfolder* | Get-NPSLog | Export-CSV
or somthing like
$logRecords = dir *logfolder* | Get-NPSLog
$logRecords | ft
$logRecords | ogv
$logRecords | select-object * | Out-GridView
Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery (systemwide):
Install-Module NPSLogFile
or install it only for your user:
Install-Module NPSLogFile -Scope CurrentUser
All cmdlets are build with
- powershell regular verbs
- pipeling availabilties
- verbose and debug channel logging