This is a python binding for LANMS as described by Zhout et al. in their paper "EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector", CVPR 2017. The C++ code is taken from the implementation available on:
pip install lanms-nova
import numpy as np
import lanms
boxes = np.array([
[137.0, 113.6, 162.3, 113.3, 162.4, 122.2, 137.2, 122.6, 0.75],
[137.2, 113.8, 163.2, 114.6, 163.0, 122.6, 137.0, 121.9, 0.97],
[136.8, 113.4, 163.2, 114.5, 162.9, 122.7, 136.5, 121.6, 0.15],
[136.6, 112.9, 163.3, 114.5, 162.8, 122.9, 136.1, 121.3, 0.95],
[136.4, 112.6, 163.4, 114.5, 162.8, 123.0, 135.8, 121.2, 0.96],
[131.4, 89.2, 137.8, 89.0, 138.2, 98.5, 131.8, 98.7, 0.98],
[131.6, 89.2, 137.8, 89.1, 138.1, 98.6, 131.8, 98.8, 0.32],
[131.5, 89.2, 137.9, 89.1, 138.0, 98.6, 131.6, 98.7, 0.99],
[131.5, 89.2, 138.0, 89.1, 138.1, 98.5, 131.6, 98.5, 0.87],
[131.5, 89.3, 137.8, 89.0, 138.2, 98.4, 132.0, 98.7, 0.97]
], dtype=np.float32)
boxes = lanms.merge_quadrangle_n9(boxes, nms_thresh=0.5)