Releases: AndreWohnsland/CocktailBerry
v1.39.0 Controlled Alcohol
This release fixes a critical bug in the migrator, which caused it to sometimes ignore user defined values and use the default values instead. In addition, you can now define a scaling factor for alcoholic ingredients in the options, which globally adjust them in all recipes, in case you want less (or more) alcohol in all your cocktails without touching the base recipes.
🆕 New Features of this Release
- Add MAKER_ALCOHOL_FACTOR to scale base of cocktail alcohol @AndreWohnsland (#195)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Make migrator always respect local config @AndreWohnsland (#194)
- Fix pre- and suffix not always being in same line as config @AndreWohnsland (#196)
v1.38.1 Fix RPi5 initial value
🐛 Bug fixes
- Make the rpi5 output device off by default @AndreWohnsland (#193)
🧰 Maintenance
- move update version to release published action @AndreWohnsland (#190)
v1.38.0 Fix Microservice Header
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix microservice api header name @AndreWohnsland (#189)
v1.37.0 RPi5 Support
This Update adds Support for the RPi5. Please take note that first testing on the Pi5 revealed that GPIOs (7,8,14,15,23,24,25) will probably not work for now (due to some internal and python things), so try not to use those pins on the Pi5.
Pi5 support is still in Beta, so if you spot any issues - let me know.
🆕 New Features of this Release
- RPi5 Support @AndreWohnsland (#187)
v1.36.1 Better Config
This patch makes the microservice use the new APi.
⬆️ Dependency updates
- Use new api in microservice @AndreWohnsland (#186)
v1.36.0 Better Config
This update adds some nice improvements to the configuration window.
💎 Improvements
- Reworked Options Config @AndreWohnsland (#184)
- Condensed pump configuration values into one representation
- Improved color schemes in the config window
v1.35.2 Improved Preparation
💎 Improvements
- Impove installer for GNOME @AndreWohnsland (#178)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix non RPi system detection @AndreWohnsland (#180)
- Fix dialog window not auto closing after 60s @AndreWohnsland (#181)
🧰 Maintenance
- Introduce shellcheck to CICD @AndreWohnsland (#179)
v1.35.1 Improved Preparation
This update fixes a critical bug, preventing users opening the password window, when for example opening the config. The taskbar shifting the dialogs is finally fixed after 5 years, so no more workaround for that one. Deliver some more improvements for the installer script, in case you run on none RPi systems.
💎 Improvements
- Improve installer script on none RPi systems @AndreWohnsland (#170)
- Fix for taskbar shifting QDialog @AndreWohnsland (#172)
- Set gpio related rules for none Raspberry Pi devices @AndreWohnsland (#173)
- Improve setup for other OS than RPi @AndreWohnsland (#176)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Improve installer script on none RPi systems @AndreWohnsland (#170)
- Fix infinite blocking on OS update @AndreWohnsland (#174)
- Fix a bug preventing to open the password window @AndreWohnsland (#175)
v1.35.0 Improved Preparation
This update reworks the logic of the preparation time calibration to match the exact time, instead of an incremental approximate. This change might need a pump recalibration. Please check the output of one of your pumps, if it does not match the expected output anymore, please recalibrate them for the best results. In addition, there are a lot of other smalls to medium improvement, to always deliver the best user experience with CocktailBerry.
🆕 New Features of this Release
- MAKER_MAX_HAND_INGREDIENTS: Add option to limit maximum allowed ingredients added by hand in one cocktail
- Add deprecation to add-ons: Add-on can have latest working version number to prevent installing broken add-ons
- Add logging of CPU and RAM usage to new log file, warning above 80%, critical above 90% CPU usage
💎 Improvements
- Rework the calculation of the volume flow and time passed to be exact precise, this might need a recalibration of the pumps, this also removes the MAKER_SLEEP_TIME option
- Use close instead of cancel as base text in dialogs: The default was "cancel" but should be "close"
- Fix displayed cocktail volume and ingredients when using multiple selection: Use middle value if possible
- Better indicators for pin data output
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix a bug causing data view headers to be cut off
- Prevent a crash when user would delete a custom file of used image
v1.34.1 Let's Serve
This small patch brings you some updates to some internal functionality, to always be up-to-date. In addition, docs and microservices had some housekeeping.
DEPRECATION WARNING: With the latest Raspberry Pi OS, Python 3.11 is shipped as default. In the future, this will also be the required Python version.
Starting early 2024, with Python versions older than 3.11, there will no more updates be available. CocktailBerry will still run as usual.
Please consider upgrading to the latest Raspberry Pi OS and use the backup function to move your data to the latest OS.