Copy of slides used in my talk, "Backporting to the Future," given to the Auckland C++ Meetup, 26 September 2018.
These slides are a draft of what I intend to present at the Pacific++ Conference on 18 October 2018.
See for more information.
file for the terms under which these slides are made available.
The author acknowledges the valuable feedback of all the attendees of the Auckland C++ Meetup on 26 September 2018 and the comments made by colleagues at Crown Equipment Limited on 27 September 2018.
Special mention is given to the following individuals,
- Biswaijt Banerjee
- Christian Blume
- Nick Sarten
- Paul Leslie
- Shane Powell
- Toby Allsopp
- Tom Isaacson
- Benjamin Deeming
- Greg Sumner
- Jacqueline Lewis
- Ralf Haeusler
- Saeid Shahosseini
- Sam McArdle
Thank you all,
Andrew Paxie