GenericParser is a .NET implementation of a parser for delimited and fixed width format files.
Install the latest Nuget package.
Instantiate an instance of the parser:
using (GenericParser parser = new GenericParser(filePath))
while (parser.Read())
string id = parser["ID"];
string name = parser["Name"];
string status = parser["Status"];
// Your code here ...
See below for more examples.
- Efficient
- Excellent unit test coverage
- Supports delimited and fixed-width formats
- For delimited, any custom delimited of a single character is supported
- Supports comment rows (single character marker)
- Supports escape characters (single character only)
- Supports a custom text qualifier to allow column/row delimiters to be ignored (e.g., multi-line data)
- Supports escaped text qualifiers by doubling them up
- Supports ignoring/including rows that contain no characters
- Supports a header row
- Supports the ability to dynamically add more columns to match the data
- Supports the ability to enforce the number of columns to a specific number
- Supports the ability to enforce the number of columns based on the first row
- Supports trimming the strings of a column
- Supports stripping off control characters
- Supports reusing the same instance of the parser for different data sources
- Supports TextReader and String (the file location) as data sources
- Supports limiting the maximum number of rows to read
- Supports customizing the size of the internal buffer
- Supports skipping rows at the beginning of the data after the header row
- Supports XML configuration to configure the parser
- Supports access to data via column name (when a header row is supplied)
- Supports Unicode encoding
- Supports skipping rows at the end of the data
- Supports adding a line number to each row
- Supports the following outputs - XML, DataTable, and DataSet
- Parsing file from disk
using (GenericParser parser = new GenericParser(filePath))
while (parser.Read())
string id = parser["ID"];
// Your code here ...
- Parsing file from stream
using (GenericParser parser = new GenericParser(stream))
// ...
- Parsing file into a DataSet
using (GenericParserAdapter parser = new GenericParserAdapter(filePath))
var dsResult = parser.GetDataSet();