Target of this git server for HTTP is to keep configuration and requirements as simple as possible. This server supports both: dumb and smart https. The used method will be automaticaly selected by checking the Requirements on server.
Some setups for git, to publish repositories, over HTTP requires a seperate webDAV module for push support.
For example, a git repository with apache requires to setup DAV in it's http.conf, wich makes the repositories not very portable.
To avoid this configurations CcGitServer implements a very simplified DAV Server to communicate with git.
This makes it possible to keep files and folders outside of webserver directory.
Additionally, it is possible to connect with a separate user interface.
It is currently working as background application.
At the moment, there is no ui to browse projects, but is planed. You will see the progress on Project Page.
Nevertheless some requirements are necessary:
- Webserver with rewrite support
- For example, Apache2: a2enmod rewrite
- php >= 5.0
For smart http:
- git-http-backend available on server
- proc_open enabled in php
For dumb http:
- php-xml
- for clone and fetching nothing is required.
- for push support, the webserver must be able to pass through PROPFIND, LOCK,... requests.
No auth required for clone or fetch. Default users for push:
- admin:admin
- user:user
It is very important to change this valuess!
This project is designed to run without configuration in any directory in an webserver. Just the requirements as definied in Requirements must be available.
But it is recommended to change user data!
The next example will demonstrate a simple setup.
If a more complex setup is required, for example to integrate in a existing frameworkt, look at Integration
You can run the following example in one script at Tools/
Be aware to use this script in a productive system, it's just an example.
Install apache and php with modules
sudo apt-get install apache2 php php-xml
sudo a2enmod redirect
sudo service apache2 restart
If .htaccess is not already enabled
sudo echo "<Directory /var/www/html>" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
sudo echo " AllowOverride All" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
sudo echo "</Directory>" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Setup git server
cd /var/www/html
sudo git clone git
First git repository
cd /var/www/html/git
sudo php git.php create ExampleProject
sudo chown -R www-data.www-data *
First clone from repository
cd ~
git clone http://localhost/git/Example.git
Other than in Setup, the CcGitServer can be configured to run in more complex envirionments too.
Some webpages already have an user control or have seperate data folders, they can integrate CcGitServer by confguring thier own interfaces.
You can see an example in /Tools/ExampleUbuntuIntegration/git.php
For an working example you can use /Tools/
Do not use it in productive systems, it's just for demonstration purpose.
The server can be configured to run with different directories too.
By setting an own implementation of ICcLinkConverter to CcGitServer::setLinkConverter(), it is possible to work with projects in different locations.
CcLinkConverter can be used as an example for a default configuration and can be overloaded to.
By setting an own implementation of IGitServerAuth to CcGitServer::setAuth(), it is possible to work with an own
With CcGitServerAuth there is a default implementation of IGitServerAuth, wich will be loaded if no other Interfwas was set.
This system is very rudimental, and mainly designed to run on internal networks.
- Security features It is dangerous to run it on internet,
- Avoid dependency from php-xml
- test locking, it is just working with .lock files
- Simple html ui for browsing projects
If you need help, you can find me on GitHub or on my Website.
Author CcGitServer: Andreas Dirmeier
CcGitServer is licensed under LGPL v3. Look at COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for further information.