12.26: Tune all of the search margins using the skopt tuner
12.27: Penalize Queen's that may be prone to discovered attacks
12.28: Have QueenRelativePin only evaluate truely discovered attacks
12.29: Use knowledge of fail-highs/fail-lows to tweak LMR
12.30: Revert all of the changes from V12.29
12.31: Apply a slight non-functional speedup to Probcut
12.32: Fix a hanging pthread which used up resources over time
12.33: Add UCI option "AnalysisMode" to toggle TB behaviour
12.34: Replace Fathom with Pyrrhic, adding 7-man support
12.35: Kick up the version number due to Pyrrhic
12.36: Update to latest Pyrrhic and fix TB_LARGEST bugs
12.37: Tune all evaluation terms using a new dataset methodology
12.38: Tune and tweak King Safety interactions using a Standard book
12.39: Delete the old tuning code and upload the new AdaGrad tuner
12.40: Add an option to the tuner to print verbatim source code
12.41: Tune every term in the evaluation using a Standard book
12.42: Tune all of the "normal" terms using a larger Standard book
12.43: Increase max hash usage to 128GB
12.44: Redefine how we delta prune in the qsearch
12.45: Tune all of the "complexity" terms using a Standard book
12.46: Tune all of the "normal" terms using a FRC book
12.47: Reduce many of the pruning margins in the search
12.48: Add a 512KB Evaluation Cache to each Thread
12.49: Make the PSQTs Asymmetrical ([64], not [32])
12.50: Tune the PSQT using a mix of FRC + Standard games