Create a TWRP-compatible device tree only from an Android recovery image (or a boot image if the device uses non-dynamic partitions A/B) of your device's stock ROM It has been confirmed that this script supports images built starting from Android 4.4 up to Android 11
pip3 install twrpdtgen
The module is supported on Python 3.6 and above.
Linux only: Be sure to have cpio installed in your system (Install cpio using sudo apt install cpio
or sudo pacman -S cpio
based on what package manager you're using)
$ python3 -m twrpdtgen -h
TWRP device tree generator
usage: python3 -m twrpdtgen [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-k] [--no-git] [--huawei] [--recovery_kernel RECOVERY_KERNEL] [--recovery_ramdisk RECOVERY_RAMDISK]
[--recovery_vendor RECOVERY_VENDOR] [-v]
positional arguments:
recovery_image path to a recovery image (or boot image if the device is A/B)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
custom output folder
-k, --keep-aik keep AIK after the generation
--no-git don't create a git repo after the generation
--huawei Huawei mode (split kernel, ramdisk and vendor)
--recovery_kernel RECOVERY_KERNEL
path to a recovery_kernel file (huawei mode only)
--recovery_ramdisk RECOVERY_RAMDISK
path to a recovery_ramdisk file (huawei mode only)
--recovery_vendor RECOVERY_VENDOR
path to a recovery_vendor file (huawei mode only)
-v, --verbose enable debugging logging
When an image is provided, if everything goes well, there will be a device tree at output/manufacturer/codename
You can also use the module in a script, with the following code:
from twrpdtgen.twrp_dt_gen import generate_device_tree
# The function will return a DeviceTree object, you can find its declaration here:
from twrpdtgen.utils.device_tree import DeviceTree
result = generate_device_tree(image_path, output_path)