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Welcome! Here you'll find a list of applications and services to generate passive income by sharing your internet connection. I've personally tested and recommended each platform below, using them 24/7.
Note: It is advisable to try each platform for at least 1 month to accurately gauge your earnings, as they can vary daily.
Residential IPs usually yield higher earnings, but Datacenter IPs can still be profitable, are easier to scale, and cost very little thanks to cheap VPS options.
The following setup aims to be 100% automated and passive; you just need to check your earnings on each platform from time to time.
Most of these platforms have support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, etc. However, the configuration here focuses on Linux because it requires fewer resources overall and is cost-effective when renting a low-priced VPS. The more devices you install it on, the higher your potential earnings.
- To maximize your earnings, use 1 device per IP (where applicable).
- Each platform may have its own usage rules and device limits. Check each Terms & Conditions.
Platform | Earnings | Residential / Mobile IP | VPS / Hosting IP | Max Devices | Payout Type | Referral Link with Bonus |
Honeygain | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ❌ | 10 | PayPal, Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
PacketStream | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ❌ | Unlimited | PayPal | Sign up with bonus! |
Traffmonetizer | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
Packetshare | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | PayPal | Sign up with bonus! |
MystNodes | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
Pawns.app | 💸💸💸 | ✔️ | ❌ | Unlimited | PayPal, Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
EarnApp | 💸💸 | ✔️ | ❌ | 15 | PayPal | Sign up with bonus! |
Repocket | 💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | PayPal, Wise | Sign up with bonus! |
ByteLixir (Proxy) | 💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
Earn.FM | 💸💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | PayPal, Crypto | Sign up with bonus! |
Proxyrack | 💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | 500 | PayPal | Sign up with bonus! |
Bitping | 💸 | ✔️ | ✔️ | Unlimited | Crypto |
To use the configuration explained below, you need at least:
- 1 vCore CPU
- 1 GB RAM
- 10 GB NVMe or SSD
- Operating System: Ubuntu 24.04 (Linux)
I use IONOS VPS Linux XS for only €1/month + taxes, and I have several of these VPS.
Each VPS provides a unique IP, and you can choose the datacenter between US, Spain, Germany, or UK.
Click here to use my referral link
- Depending on the product you select, you can receive a bonus from €1 up to €150.
- For instance, with VPS Linux XS, you’ll get €1 bonus plus a 30-day trial.
- If you cancel within those 30 days, you get a full refund, so there’s no risk!
Below are the simplest steps so you can start earning by sharing your connection.
Important Note: When you rent a VPS (for example, with IONOS), go to the Control Panel and open the firewall for all ports (or only the ones you need). Since there’s nothing critical inside this server, opening everything simplifies the setup.
Copy and paste this block of commands to:
- Update and optimize the system,
- Install basic packages (including
for editing files), - Install Docker,
- Install Watchtower,
- Configure a monthly cron on day 1 at 4 AM for maintenance,
- Clean the system.
echo "[INFO] Updating and optimizing the system..."
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install -y curl wget htop ufw git zip unzip nano
echo "[INFO] Installing Docker..."
apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | apt-key add -
add-apt-repository -y "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt update && apt install -y docker-ce
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
echo "[INFO] Installing Watchtower (auto-updates for containers)..."
docker run -d \
--name watchtower \
--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower \
--cleanup \
--revive-stopped \
--include-stopped \
--include-restarting \
--interval 3600 \
--stop-timeout 30s
echo "[INFO] Setting up monthly cron job (day 1 at 4 AM)..."
(crontab -l ; echo "0 4 1 * * apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install --only-upgrade -y docker-ce && apt update && apt install myst -y && (reboot || sleep 30 && reboot -f)") | sort - | uniq - | crontab -
echo "[INFO] Final cleanup..."
apt autoremove -y && apt autoclean -y
- Watchtower checks for container updates every hour.
- The cron runs on day 1 of the month at 04:00 (system time).
- The VPS restarts after updating, keeping everything fresh.
Below, you’ll see the link to register with a welcome bonus for each platform, along with a quick explanation and a code block to copy and paste.
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
with your details.
echo "[INFO] Installing Honeygain..."
docker run -d \
--name honeygain \
--restart=always \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing PacketStream..."
docker run -d \
--name packetstream \
--restart=always \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
with your Traffmonetizer token.
echo "[INFO] Installing Traffmonetizer..."
docker run -d \
--name tm \
--restart=always \
traffmonetizer/cli_v2 start accept --token YOUR_TRAFFMONETIZER_TOKEN
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing Packetshare..."
docker run -d \
--name packetshare \
--restart=always \
packetshare/packetshare \
-accept-tos \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- After installation, go to
to activate your node.
echo "[INFO] Installing MystNode..."
sudo -E bash -c "$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mysteriumnetwork/node/master/install.sh)"
Then open
in your browser to configure and activate the account.
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing Pawns.app..."
docker run -d \
--name pawns \
--restart=always \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing EarnApp..."
docker run -d \
--name earnapp \
--restart=always \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing Repocket..."
docker run -d \
--name repocket \
--restart=always \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- You’ll need Dante as a SOCKS5 proxy.
- Then, in ByteLixir’s site, add
Step A: Create a script with nano
nano /root/dante_bytelixir.sh
Paste this inside:
echo "[INFO] Installing Dante for ByteLixir..."
apt update && apt install -y dante-server
INTERFACE=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $5}' | head -n 1)
if [ -z "$INTERFACE" ]; then
echo "Could not detect the network interface. Please configure 'external' in $CONFIG_FILE manually."
exit 1
logoutput: syslog
user.privileged: root
user.unprivileged: nobody
internal: port=$PORT
external: $INTERFACE
socksmethod: username
client pass {
from: to:
socks pass {
from: to:
useradd -r -s /bin/false \$USER
echo "\$USER:\$PASSWORD" | chpasswd
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/danted.service.d
cat <<EOC > /etc/systemd/system/danted.service.d/delay.conf
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart danted
systemctl status danted --no-pager
netstat -tuln | grep \$PORT
echo "[INFO] Dante configured on port \$PORT with user '\$USER' and password '\$PASSWORD'"
Save and close (Ctrl + O
, Enter
, then Ctrl + X
Step B: Permissions and run the script:
chmod +x /root/dante_bytelixir.sh
bash /root/dante_bytelixir.sh
in the script.
Click here and sign up with bonus!
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing EarnFM..."
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name earnfm-client \
Click here and sign up with bonus!
Note: You must install Proxyrack first, then register it on their website.
- Generate a Device ID:
echo "[INFO] Generating Device ID for Proxyrack..." PROXYRACK_UUID=$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-F0-9' | dd bs=1 count=64 2>/dev/null && echo) echo "[INFO] Device ID generated: $PROXYRACK_UUID" echo "[INFO] Register this device on the Proxyrack website after the installation is done."
- Install and configure Proxyrack:
echo "[INFO] Installing Proxyrack..." docker run -d \ --name proxyrack \ --restart=always \ -e UUID="$PROXYRACK_UUID" \ proxyrack/pop
After a few minutes, visit Proxyrack’s dashboard to register the same Device ID you generated.
- Replace
echo "[INFO] Installing BitPing..."
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name bitping-node \
--mount type=volume,source="bitpingd-volume",target=/root/.bitpingd \
With these configurations, your VPS is automated:
- Watchtower keeps containers updated,
- Cron performs maintenance and reboots on day 1 at 4 AM.
Just check each platform’s dashboard to see your earnings and withdraw.
Can I install multiple platforms simultaneously?
Yes! Just make sure they don’t conflict on ports or environment variables. -
How do I manually update containers?
With Watchtower, you don’t really need to. But if you want:docker pull IMAGE_NAME docker restart CONTAINER_NAME
What if I need to change my credentials?
- For most containers:
Then recreate it with the new credentials.
docker stop <container> docker rm <container>
- For most containers:
Before using these apps, check the laws in your country and the terms of your internet plan to see if they allow such services. In any case, I take no responsibility for the consequences of using these applications. This proposed stack simply brings these apps together, allows easy configuration for non-technical users, and updates container images automatically.
This project and its artifacts are provided “as is” and without warranty of any kind.
The author makes no guarantees, express or implied, that this script is error-free, defect-free, or suitable for any specific purpose.
The author is not liable for any damages suffered by any user of this script, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special, arising from the use or inability to use this script or its documentation, even if the author has been advised of such possibility.
I created this manual to be as easy as possible, so anyone can configure it by simply copying and pasting what they need.
Thank you for your interest in this project, and thanks to the community that shares new platforms and tips to increase earnings.
Let’s start earning passively!