Aplicación web para realizar anotaciones y análisis de tweets en las revueltas ocurridas en Latinoamérica a finales del 2019.
# to build the webapp img
sudo docker compose build web_app
# set up services locally
sudo docker compose up
# with services running, apply initial migration
sudo docker compose exec web_app python manage.py makemigrations
sudo docker compose exec web_app python manage.py migrate
Now we need a dump of db, from the server :
python manage.py dumpdata --exclude contenttypes -o <date>_backup.json
Then, place the file in the web_app/data folder locally.
Then, with the service running, load the data:
sudo docker compose exec web_app python manage.py loaddata ./data/<date>_backup.json
Now reload page to see changes.
- Connect to server
- Backup :
cd CMU_backups
mysqldump -u [DB_USER] -p[DB_PASS] --no-tablespaces [DB_NAME] > [filename].sql
python manage.py test # All tests
python manage.py test analisis.tests.ProblematicTweetRelation # Specific tests