Proof of concept for service and service contract testing.
In this PoC, we explore how contract testing with Pact can be done for a basic CRUD app. provider
is the application that provides a set of CRUD API end-points to manage discounts, leveraging sqlite as the data store. consumer
is the application that invokes API call to create/read/update/delete discounts. In a real world scenario, these 2 applications may belong to different code bases, but for the sake of simplicity, we have both application source codes in the same code base.
Because Pact is consumer-driven, we can start exploring consumer_test.go, which asserts the consumer's expectation of the API and produces the expectation result in a special formatted file that can be understood by Pact verifier. provider
is where the verification process works in which all assertions are applied against the API to ensure it meets what's expected by the consumer
, check out provider_test.go for more info
- Install pact-go version 2 by this command
go install
- Download and install all the required libraries by this command
pact-go -l DEBUG install
- Install sqlite
is an HTTP server that provides a CRUD API, storing data in sqlite.consumer
provides an HTTP client to call the CRUD API.pact
is where the contract between the Consumer and the Provider is stored.
- To run consumer test, navigate to the root directory of the repository, then run
go test -v ./consumer/...
. This will produce a pact file under/pacts
- To run provider test, navigate to the root directory of the repository, then run
go test -v ./provider/providertest/...